The scope and limits of this Exhortation
16. I was happy to take up the request of the
Fathers of the Synod to write this Exhortation.
In so doing, I am reaping the rich fruits of the
Synod’s labours. In addition, I have sought ad-
vice from a number of people and I intend to
express my own concerns about this particular
chapter of the Church’s work of evangelization.
Countless issues involving evangelization today
might be discussed here, but I have chosen not
to explore these many questions which call for
further reflection and study. Nor do I believe
that the papal magisterium should be expected
to offer a definitive or complete word on every
question which affects the Church and the world.
It is not advisable for the Pope to take the place
of local Bishops in the discernment of every is-
sue which arises in their territory. In this sense,
I am conscious of the need to promote a sound
17. Here I have chosen to present some guide-
lines which can encourage and guide the whole
Church in a new phase of evangelization, one
marked by enthusiasm and vitality. In this con-
text, and on the basis of the teaching of the Dog-
matic Constitution
Lumen Gentium
, I have decid-
ed, among other themes, to discuss at length the
following questions:
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