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Mr. Gioacchino Genovese
Alleged Visionary – Diocese of Como


With a letter dated 29 July 2023, His Eminence Oscar Cardinal Cantoni, Bishop of Como—notwithstanding the reply the Dicastery sent on 20 May 2023 concerning the non-appropriateness of publishing a pronouncement regarding whether or not the events concerning Mr. Gioacchino Genovese are of a supernatural character—submitted for the Dicastery’s consideration the text of a pronouncement he prepared about the experience spiritual experience that occurred in the diocesan Shrine of Maccio di Villa Guardia, in the Diocese of Como, dedicated to the Most Holy Trinity of Mercy, before officially disseminating it in his diocese.

The Congresso of 15 September 2023 decided to prepare two letters to send to the Bishop of Como:

- one of a public nature, offering reasons for not proceeding with the publication of a pronouncement de supernaturalitate, along with encouragement to continue in the pastoral appreciation of the spiritual experience that took place in the Shrine of Maccio di Villa Guardia;

- the other of a confidential nature, reaffirming the possibility of publishing an anthology of Mr. Genovese’s most relevant writings in order to clarify certain phrases that risk being interpreted in a misleading way, and to communicate that the matter in question is to be considered definitively concluded.

Therefore, we submit for Your Holiness’ consideration the draft of the two above-mentioned letters (cf. attachments 1-2).

Following Your Holiness’ benevolent approval, the above-mentioned letters will be delivered to His Eminence, Oscar Cardinal Cantoni.

+ Víctor Manuel Fernández

Ex Audientia die 25.09.2023.


Attachment 1



4 October 2023

Your Eminence,

I am writing in response to the documentation sent by Your Eminence at the end of July, in which you presented the case concerning the spiritual experience that occurred in the Shrine of Maccio di Villa Guardia, in the territory of the Diocese of Como.

After carefully studying the situation, I am happy to acknowledge that the whole affair is imbued with positive elements that cannot be disregarded for the spiritual good of the faithful who frequent the Shrine assiduously and with religious intentions.

Furthermore, an examination of the documentation revealed several positive elements, both spiritual and related to the doctrinal message of that experience, as well as of the person involved, whose discretion, seriousness, humility, and sincerity attest in favor of the credibility of his testimony.

Above all, the central message of the entire spiritual experience is to be emphasized: namely, the affirmation of mercy as a fundamental trait of the very identity of the Triune God—a theme that the theology and spirituality of our times strongly reiterate.

St. John Paul II wrote, “in the situation of the Church and the world today, many individuals and groups guided by a lively sense of faith are turning, I would say almost spontaneously, to the mercy of God. They are certainly being moved to do this by Christ Himself, who, through His Spirit, works within human hearts. For the mystery of God the ‘Father of mercies’ revealed by Christ becomes, in the context of today’s threats to man, as it were a unique appeal addressed to the Church” (John Paul II, Encyclical Dives in Misericordia, 2).

Also, Pope Francis, who repeatedly insists on the theme of mercy as a revelatory trait of the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, affirms: “With our eyes fixed on Jesus and his merciful gaze, we experience the love of the Most Holy Trinity. The mission Jesus received from the Father was that of revealing the mystery of divine love in its fullness. […] The relationships he forms with the people who approach him manifest something entirely unique and unrepeatable. The signs he works, especially in favour of sinners, the poor, the marginalized, the sick, and the suffering, are all meant to teach mercy. Everything in him speaks of mercy. Nothing in him is devoid of compassion” (Francis, Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy Misericordiae Vultus, 8).

But mercy, Pope Francis says again, is the lintel that supports the Church: “All of her pastoral activity should be caught up in the tenderness she makes present to believers; nothing in her preaching and in her witness to the world can be lacking in mercy. The Church’s very credibility is seen in how she shows merciful and compassionate love. The Church ‘has an endless desire to show mercy’. […] The time has come for the Church to take up the joyful call to mercy once more. It is time to return to the basics and to bear the weaknesses and struggles of our brothers and sisters. Mercy is the force that reawakens us to new life and instils in us the courage to look to the future with hope” (Ibid., 10).

Very interesting, then, is the theme of the Eucharist, whose centrality in the context of the visions and locutions is quite evident, connected as it is with the mystery of the Cross. It is also valuable to note how the visions and locutions insist upon the relationship between Christ and the altar through the symbolism of water.

The documentation contains particular references to the Church, considered as Bride, as well as to the theme of vocations, the ministerial priesthood, consecrated life, and the family.

Similarly, of particular spiritual interest is also the insistence on the intertwining of love, freedom, and sin, which prompts a profound theological reflection on the mystery of evil and merciful love.

Added to this are also the concrete effects produced by this spiritual experience, such as the many conversions that have taken place and the many vocations that have sprung up.

To safeguard the positive elements and fruitfulness of that spiritual experience, the Dicastery reserves the right to evaluate the moral and doctrinal elements of that spiritual experience and the use that is being made of it.

Now, coming to your request, I have been in discussion with the Holy Father and would like to point out the following.

As is known, in the context of alleged apparitions and mystical phenomena, perfect theology is not required; so the nature of the language used is often recognized as imperfect and inadequate to account for what is experienced.

After 1933, the then Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office never directly intervened again in recognizing the supernatural character or the authenticity of alleged supernatural phenomena. In such questions, moreover, the Congregation’s own decrees in recent decades have excluded any involvement of the Dicastery: “one must avoid expressing that such a declaration was made in agreement with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith” (2001); “the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith may not be involved at all in such a declaration” (2008).

Therefore, this Dicastery does not deem it appropriate to comment on the supernatural character of the above-mentioned spiritual experience. Nevertheless, recognizing certain signs of an action of the Holy Spirit in the midst of this experience, in light of the above, this Dicastery finds no difficulty should Your Eminence decide to continue in the pastoral appreciation of this spiritual experience. In fact, it is hoped that, treasuring the spiritual fruits that have flowed forth in these years, the proclamation of the merciful love of the Trinity may be intensified: the love that stimulates conversion in people and that bestows the grace of abandoning oneself with filial trust.

I am sure that the Lord will bless the efforts undertaken and will give greater strength to grow in understanding the mercy that nourishes God’s actions toward his creatures, as an indispensable trait of God’s very being, which is love, in the Trinitarian unfolding of his truth as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Should Your Eminence deem it opportune, you may make this response from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith public.

Certain of your understanding, and in union of prayer, in signifying the above to you, I gladly take this opportunity to convey my respectful best regards.

In Christ,

Víctor Manuel Cardinal Fernández



His Eminence
Oscar Cardinal Cantoni

Bishop of Como
Piazza Grimoldi, 5
22100 Como