The Holy See
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Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

Tourism, Pilgrimages and Shrines


2002, Mars 4-7


Montserrat, Spain

3° European Congres on Shrines and Pilgrimages


The Shrine: a place for fraternal and universal welcome


Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People - Shrine Our Lady of Montserrat

2002, April 29-May 1


Vatican City

XV° Plenary Session of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People


Maritime Ministry, the Sea and Migration, the Sea and Tourism

 2002, May 12-15


Ciudad de Messico, Mexico

Assemblée Générale BITS


Bureau International Tourisme Social

2002, September 27

World Tourism Day


Eco-Tourism, the key to sustainable development

2002, October 7-10


Penang, Malaysia

104° Assemblée Générale de l'A.I.T.


Alliance Internationale du Tourisme

2002, November 5-9



Santiago, Chile

III Congreso Americano de Santuarios


Santuario: "... lugar de encuentro con Cristo para todos aquellos que, con espíritu de pobreza y humildad de corazón, buscan sinceramente a Dios"


Confederación de Rectores de Santuarios de América
Conferencia Episcopal de Chile

