Speeches 1970

  • Radio message to Mexico for the 75th anniversary of the Coronation of Our Lady of Guadalupe (October 12, 1970)

    [ Spanish ]

  • To the authorities of the Bavarian government and to the new priests of the Germanic College (October 10, 1970)

    [ German ]

  • To the participants in the 17th Italian Congress of Commerce Graduates (October 8, 1970)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the participants in the National Convention of ACAI (October 5, 1970)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the students of the Major and Minor Seminars of the diocese of Brescia (October 1, 1970)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the Abbots of the Benedictine Confederation (September 30, 1970)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the Extraordinary Mission of the Spanish Government (September 28, 1970)

    [ Spanish ]

  • To the Ambassador of Argentina accredited to the Holy See (September 26, 1970)

    [ Spanish ]

  • To the participants in the National Congress of Saving Banks (September 26, 1970)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the pilgrimage of the Diocese of Brescia (September 26, 1970)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the 1st International Congress of Secular Institutes (September 26, 1970)

    [ Italian  - Portuguese ]

  • To the participants in the First National Assembly of the Diocesan Directors of the Italian Catholic Action (September 25, 1970)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the participants in the 21st Italian Biblical Week (September 25, 1970)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the participants in the 8th International Congress of Young Lawyers (September 24, 1970)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the former students of the Pontifical Lombard Seminar in Rome (September 24, 1970)

    [ Italian ]

  • To Msgr. Jean Rodhain, President of Caritas Internationalis, for the help provided to the victims of the Jordan conflict (September 24, 1970)

    [ French ]

  • To the Associations of "Bersaglieri" and "Artiglieri" (September 21, 1970)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the participants in the International Congress for the first Centenary of the birth of Maria Montessori (September 17, 1970)

    [ French ]