Tuesday, 17 January 1967
Mister Prime Minister,
Be assured of Our grateful appreciation of your visit, in company with the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and of Our sentiments of heartfelt and respectful welcome.
We renew to you, Right Honourable Sir, Our sincere thanks for your thoughtful courtesy in informing Us of your recent proposal in the interests of world peace. We encourage you and assure you of Our support in the numerous attempts you make to restore concord to this troubled world. May the Prince of Peace, Saviour of mankind, prosper your admirable endeavours, and bring them to a successful conclusion!
Our thoughts of paternal affection go to Our beloved children, the. Catholics of the United Kingdom. We pray they may ever distinguish themselves by their loyalty, their respectful observance of the law, and their generous service to the community.
We would ask you, Sir, kindly to express to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Our prayerful good wishes for her Person, and for the Royal Family. Through you and the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, We also greet the Government and people of the United Kingdom, asking God to grant them every blessing of tranquillity and progress.
*AAS 59 (1967), p.140-141.
Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. V, p.39-40.
L’Attività della Santa Sede 1967, p.59-60.
L'Osservatore Romano. Edition hebdomadaire en langue française 18.1.1967, p.1.
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