223. This principle enables us to work slowly
but surely, without being obsessed with immedi-
ate results. It helps us patiently to endure diffi-
cult and adverse situations, or inevitable changes
in our plans. It invites us to accept the tension
between fullness and limitation, and to give a
priority to time. One of the faults which we
occasionally observe in sociopolitical activity is
that spaces and power are preferred to time and
processes. Giving priority to space means mad-
ly attempting to keep everything together in the
present, trying to possess all the spaces of power
and of self-assertion; it is to crystallize processes
and presume to hold them back. Giving priority
to time means being concerned about initiating
processes rather than possessing spaces. Time
governs spaces, illumines them and makes them
links in a constantly expanding chain, with no pos-
sibility of return. What we need, then, is to give
priority to actions which generate new processes
in society and engage other persons and groups
who can develop them to the point where they
bear fruit in significant historical events. Without
anxiety, but with clear convictions and tenacity.
224. Sometimes I wonder if there are people
in today’s world who are really concerned about
generating processes of people-building, as op-
posed to obtaining immediate results which yield
easy, quick short-term political gains, but do not
enhance human fullness. History will perhaps
judge the latter with the criterion set forth by
Romano Guardini: “The only measure for prop-
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