Please consider the notes and the norms which have been published in the Logistical documentation for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight of 24 March 2001, eventual additional information and the indications offered through this Information note.
Distribution of the places: - in order to proceed with the distribution of the places available, the writers are requested to agree themselves with AIGAV (Telefax 06-68300511 or 68823209), not later than Wednesday 25 April 2001, 12 a.m.; - the television operators not being part of the TV Pool (US Pool TV, EU Pool TV and AP-Reuters Pool TV, automatically included in the lists of participation for all ceremonies with press admittance) are requested to communicate in writing their requests directly to the Holy See Press Office, not later than Wednesday 25 April 2001, 12 a.m.; - the still photographers are included automatically in the lists of participation for all ceremonies with press admittance.
The Lists of participation in the Pontifical Ceremonies will be closed before Saturday 28 April 2001, 12 a.m. and will be published in the Working program for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight, available on the moment of the consignment of the Permit of admission to the Papal Flight, Wednesday 2 May 2001, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Accreditation Office of the Holy See Press Office in Via della Conciliazione, 54.
Follows the list of the events, with the planning of the presence for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight agreed with the competent Authorities; with the indications concerning the programmed Speeches by the Holy Father.
The indications in this Information note have a provisional character. The updates will be included in the Working program for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight.
Friday, 4 May 2001 GREECE  Itinerary in Greece CE/GR-01 - 04.05.2001 11.30 - SPATA (ATHENS) New International Airport Arrival Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Nihil - All journalists admitted to the Papal Flight will depart immediately after disembarking from the Papal Flight. The journalists admitted to the Papal Flight disembark from the rear stairs. They will devide themselves in two groups (all will have a boarding pass, for Bus 1 OR for Bus 2). Before the departure of the Papal Motorcade, they will leave with 2 busses reserved for them (with the service of accompaniment and police escort): BUS 1 for the Presidential Palace and BUS 2 for the Hotel Divani Caravel of Athens. Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from the airport 11.35 [10.35], arrival at the Presidential Palace 12.05 [11.05]. - Bus 2: departure from the airport 11.35 [10.35], arrival at the hotel 12.15 [11.15]. CE/GR-02 - 04.05.2001 12.15 - ATHENS Presidential Palace - Garden Welcome Ceremony Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Limited access - 24 places (5 F + 15 TV + 4 R). CE/GR-03 - 04.05.2001 12.45 - ATHENS Presidential Palace Courtesy visit to the President of the Hellenic Republic Speech by the Holy Father (French) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Limited access - 24 places (5 F + 15 TV + 4 R). Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from Presidential Palace 13.45 [12.45], arrival at the hotel 14.00 [13.00]. CE/GR-04 - 04.05.2001 13.30 - ATHENS Orthodox Archdiocesan Palace Courtesy visit to His Beatitude Christodoulos, Archbishop of Athens and Primate of Greece Speech by the Holy Father (English) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Nihil - No press admittance (only official photographers and TV). CE/GR-05 - 04.05.2001 14.30 - ATHENS Apostolic Nunciature Meeting with the Catholic Bishops of Greece Speech by the Holy Father (Italian) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Nihil - No press admittance. CE/GR-06 - 04.05.2001 17.45 - ATHENS Catholic Cathedral Private Visit Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Nihil - No press admittance. CE/GR-07 - 04.05.2001 18.30 - ATHENS Areopagus Pilgrimage in Memory of St. Paul the Apostle Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Limited access - 33 places (5 F + 18 TV + 10 R). Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from the hotel 17.15 [16.15], arrival at the Areopagus 17.30 [16.30]. - Bus 1: departure from the Areopagus 19.15 [18.15], arrival at the Apostolic Nunciature 19.45 [18.45]. Documentation on St. Paul the Apostle in Athens CE/GR-08 - 04.05.2001 20.15 - ATHENS Apostolic Nunciature Courtesy visit by His Beatitude Christodoulos to the Holy Father Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - 15 places (5 F + 6 TV + 4 R). Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from the Apostolic Nunciature (with the non participants in CE/GR-07) 19.50 [18.50], arrival at the hotel 20.05 [19.05]. - Bus 1: departure from the Apostolic Nunciature (with the participants in CE/GR-07) 21.00 [20.00], arrival at the hotel 21.15 [20.15]. Saturday, 5 May 2001 CE/GR-09 - 05.05.2001 08.15 - ATHENS Sport Palace Holy Mass Homily by the Holy Father (French/Greek) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: All admitted - 53 places (5 F + 19 TV + 29 R). The participants in CE/GR-09 go to the new international airport of Spata (Athens) directly from the Sport Palace, without returning to the hotel (check-in and consignment of hold luggage: 05.45-06.30; check-out from the Hotel Divani Palace of Athens ends: 06.15 for the participants in CE/GR-09; 09.00 for the non participants in CE/GR-09). Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from the hotel (with the participants in CE/GR-09) 06.45 [05.45], arrival at the Sport Palace 07.00 [06.00]. - Bus 1: departure from the Sport Palace (with the participants in CE/GR-09) 09.30 [08.30], arrival at the new international airport of Spata (Athens) 10.20 [09.20]. CE/GR-10 - 05.05.2001 11.15 - SPATA (ATHENS) International Airport Farewell Ceremony Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Nihil. The journalists admitted to the Papal Flight are on board of the Papal Plane for Damascus. - Bus 2: departure from the hotel (with the non participants in CE/GR-09) 09.30 [08.30], arrival at the new international airport of Spata (Athens) 10.20 [09.20]. SYRIA  Itinerary in Syria CE/SI-01 - 05.05.2001 14.00 [13.00] - DAMASCUS International Airport Welcome Ceremony Speech by the Holy Father (English) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: All admitted - 53 places (5 F + 19 TV + 29 R). The journalists admitted to the Papal Flight disembark from the rear stairs in two groups. The first group (audiovisual operators: still photographers and cameramen, technicians and producers TV) will be accompanied to cover the Holy Father coming down from the front stairs (subsequently, they will be accompanied in the Media Section) and the second group (all the other journalists) will be accompanied in the Media Section. The Holy Father and the Papal Delegation disembark then from the front stairs of the Papal Plane. The journalists admitted to the Papal Flight will have the choice to depart from the Airport for the Sheraton Damascus Hotel & Towers: before the end of the Speech by the Holy Father or after the end of the Welcome Ceremony, with 2 busses reserved for them (with the service of accompaniment and police escort). Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from the airport 14.20 [13.20], arrival at the hotel 15.00 [14.00]. - Bus 2: departure from the airport 14.45 [13.45], arrival at the hotel 15.25 [14.25]. CE/SI-02 - 05.05.2000 17.45 [16.45] - DAMASCUS Presidential Palace Courtesy visit to the President of the Syrian Arab Republic Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - 15 places (5 F + 6 TV + 4 R). Provisional time table: - Bus 2: departure from the hotel 16.30 [15.30], arrival at the Presidential Palace 16.45 [15.45] (continues afterwards for the Greek-Orthodox Cathedral). CE/SI-03 - 05.05.2000 19.00 [18.00] - DAMASCUS Greek-Orthodox Cathedral Ecumenical Meeting Speech by the Holy Father (French/Arab) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Limited access/Rotating Pool - 30 places (5 F + 15 TV + 10 R). Provisional time table: - Bus 2: departure from the Greek-Orthodox Cathedral 20.30 [19.30], arrival at the hotel 20.45 [19.45]. Sunday, 6 May 2001 CE/SI-04 - 06.05.2000 09.30 [08.30] - DAMASCUS Abbassyin Stadium Holy Mass Homily by the Holy Father (French/Arab) Prayer of the Regina Coeli Words by the Holy Father (French/Arab) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: All admitted - 53 places (5 F + 19 TV + 29 R). Provisional time table: - Bus 1 e 2: departure from the hotel 07.45 [06.45], arrival at the Abbassyin Stadium 08.00 [07.00]. - Bus 1: departure from the Abbassyin Stadium 10.45 [09.45], arrival at the hotel 11.00 [10.00]. - Bus 2: departure from the Abbassyin Stadium 12.15 [11.15], arrival at the hotel 12.30 [11.30]. CE/SI-05 - 06.05.2000 13.00 [12.00] - DAMASCUS Greek-Catholic Patriarchate Meeting with Patriarchs and Bishops of Syria Speech by the Holy Father (French/Arab) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Nihil. No press admittance. CE/SI-06 - 06.05.2000 17.00 [16.00] - DAMASCUS Syrian-Orthodox Cathedral Meeting with Clergy, Religious and Christian Laity of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches of Syria Speech by the Holy Father (English/Arab) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Limited access - Rotating pool - 36 places (5 F + 16 TV + 15 R). Participate also in CE/SI-08. Provisional time table: - Bus 1 e 2: departure from the hotel 15.50 [14.50], arrival at the Syrian-Orthodox Cathedral 16.00 [15.00]. - Bus 1: departure from the Syrian-Orthodox Cathedral 17.30 [16.30], arrival al the Great Mosque 17.45 [16.45]. - Bus 2: departure from the Syrian-Orthodox Cathedral 18.05 [17.05], arrival at the hotel 18.15 [17.15]. CE/SI-07 - 06.05.2000 18.15 [17.15] - DAMASCUS Omayyad Great Mosque Visit to the St. John Baptists Memorial Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - 15 places (5 F + 6 TV + 4 R). Participate also in CE/SI-06 and CE/SI-08. CE/SI-08 - 06.05.2000 18.15 [17.15] - DAMASCUS Omayyad Great Mosque Meeting with the Muslim Leaders Speech by the Holy Father (English/Arab) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Limited access - 36 places (5 F + 16 TV + 15 R). Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from the Great Mosque 19.45 [18.45], arrival at the hotel 20.00 [19.00]. Documentation on the Omayyad Great Mosque Monday, 7 May 2001 CE/SI-09 - 07.05.2000 07.30 [06.30] - DAMASCUS Apostolic Nunciature - Chapel Holy Mass in private Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Nihil. No press admittance. CE/SI-10 - 07.05.2000 09.15 [08.15] - DAMASCUS Church of St. Paul on the Walls in the Bab Kissan gate of the old Walls Visit Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - 15 places (5 F + 6 TV + 4 R). Participate also in CE/SI-12. Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from the hotel 08.00 [07.00], arrival at the Church of St. Paul on the Walls 08.15 [07.15] (continues for Qunaytra; therefore all participants for Qunaytra depart with this Bus 1 and the non participants in CE/SI-10 stay on Bus 1). CE/SI-11 - 07.05.2000 09.45 [08.45] - DAMASCUS Memorial of St. Paul Visit Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - 15 places (5 TV + 10 R). Provisional time table: - Bus 2: departure from the hotel 08.00 [07.00], arrival al the Memorial of St. Paul 08.30 [07.30]. - Bus 2: departure from the Memorial of St. Paul 10.15 [09.15], arrival at the hotel 10.45 [09.45]. CE/SI-12 - 07.05.2000 11.15 [10.15] - QUNAYTRA Greek-Orthodox Church in Qunaytra, at the Golan Heights Prayer for peace Prayer by the Holy Father (English) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Limited access - 31 places (5 F + 16 TV + 10 R). Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from the Church of St. Paul on the Walls 09.30 [08.30], arrival at Qunaytra 10.30 [09.30]. - Bus 1: departure from Qunaytra 12.00 [11.00], arrival at the hotel 13.00 [12.00]. CE/SI-13 - 07.05.2000 17.45 [16.45] - DAMASCUS Greek-Catholic Cathedral Youth Meeting Speech by the Holy Father (French/Arab) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Limited access - Rotating pool - 33 places (5 F + 16 TV + 12 R). Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from the hotel 16.30 [15.30], arrival at the Greek-Catholic Cathedral 16.40 [15.40]. - Bus 1: departure from the Greek-Catholic Cathedral 19.15 [18.15], arrival at the hotel 19.30 [18.30]. Tuesday, 8 May 2001 CE/SI-14 - 08.05.2000 07.30 [06.30] - DAMASCUS Apostolic Nunciature - Chapel Holy Mass in private Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Nihil. No press admittance. CE/SI-15 - 08.05.2001 11.30 [10.30] - DAMASCUS International Airport Farewell Ceremony Greeting by the Holy Father (English) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Nihil. The journalists admitted to the Papal Flight are on board of the Papal Plane for Gudja. Provisional time table: - Bus 1 e 2: departure from the hotel 09.30 [08.30], arrival at the international airport of Damascus 10.10 [09.10]. MALTA  Itinerary at Malta CE/MA-01 - 08.05.2001 14.00 - GUDJA International Airport Welcome Ceremony Speech by the Holy Father (English) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: All admitted - 53 places (5 F + 19 TV + 29 R). Pool 2 (Media Section A). The journalists admitted to the Papal Flight disembark from the rear stairs in two groups. The first group (audiovisual operators: still photographers and cameramen, technicians and producers TV) and the second group (all the other journalists) will be accompanied in the Media Section A. The Holy Father and the Papal Delegation disembark then from the front stairs of the Papal Plane. The journalists admitted to the Papal Flight will depart from the Airport for the Press Center of Valletta and The Hilton Malta of St. Julians: immediately after the end of the Welcome Ceremony, with 2 busses reserved for them (with the service of accompaniment and police escort). Provisional time table: - Bus 1 and 2: departure from the airport 14.45, arrival at the Press Center 15.15 (continues for the hotel). CE/MA-02 - 08.05.2001 18.00 - VALLETTA Presidential Palace Courtesy visit to the President of the Republic Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - 15 places (5 F + 6 TV + 4 R) (*). Pool 3 (Courtyard): Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - * places (* F + * TV + * R). Pool 4 (Tapestry Chamber): Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - * places (* F + * TV + * R). Pool 5 (Adjacent Hall - Entrance Dining Room): Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - * places (* F + * TV + * R). (*) The data will be confirmed/communicated after receiving the information from the Press Office of the Maltese Government. Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from the Press Center 16.45, arrival at the Presidential Palace 17.00. - Bus 1: departure from the Presidential Palace 19.15, arrival al Press Center 19.30 (continues for the hotel). Wednesday, 9 May 2001 CE/MA-03 - 09.05.2001 09.30 - FLORIANA Granaries Holy Mass with Beatifications Homily by the Holy Father (English) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: All admitted - 53 places (5 F + 19 TV + 29 R). Pool 6 (Grandstand: Advantage point): Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - 14 places (5 F + 9 TV) - Participate in Pool 8 and 11. Pool 8 (Section A - Facing Papal Altar): Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: All admitted - 24 places (5 F + 19 TV + 29 R) - Included components of Pool 6 and 11. Pool 10 (Special enclosure - Facing Papal Altar): Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: All admitted - 29 places (29 R). Pool 11 (Church Steeple): Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - 14 places (5 F + 9 TV) - The same for Pool 6. Provisional time table: - Bus 1 e 2: departure from the hotel 07.45, arrival at the Press Center 08.15. CE/MA-04 - 09.05.2001 13.00 - RABAT Apostolic Nunciature Meeting with the Bishops of Malta Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Nihil. No press admittance. CE/MA-05 - 09.05.2001 16.30 - HAMRUN Church of the Center of the Society of Christian Doctrine Visit at the Tomb of the Venerable Fr. George Preca Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - 13 places (5 F + 6 TV + 2 R). Pool 12 (Main Entrance - Church Parvis): Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - 15 places (5 F + 10 TV) - 5 F + 6 POOL TV participate in Pool 13 and 14/4 TV participate in Pool 14. Pool 13 (Church - Tomb of Dun Gorg) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Restricted access - 13 places (5 F + 6 POOL TV + 2 R) - 5 F + 6 POOL TV participate in Pool 12 and 14/2 R participate in Pool 14. Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from the hotel 15.30, arrival at the Center of the Society of Christian Doctrine 15.45. Documentation on Fr. George Preca CE/MA-06 - 09.05.2001 16.30 - HAMRUN Center of the Society of Christian Doctrine -Auditorium Meeting with the Members of the "Societas Doctrinae Cristianae" Speech by the Holy Father (English) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Limited access - 21 places (5 F + 12 TV + 4 R) - Included participants in Pool 12 and 13. Pool 14 (Auditorium - Left hand side of the Holy Father). Provisional time table: - Bus 1: departure from the Center of the Society of Christian Doctrine 17.00, arrival at the international airport of Gudja 17.30 (check-in and consignment of hold luggage: 14.30-15.00; check-out from The Hilton Malta of St. Julians ends: 14.30 - the regular check-out ends at 12.00; for check-out after this time the supplement charge is Lm 15). CE/MA-07 - 09.05.2001 18.30 - GUDJA International Airport Farewell Ceremony Greeting by the Holy Father (English) Places for the journalists admitted to the Papal Flight: Nihil. The journalists admitted to the Papal Flight are on board of the Papal Plane for Rome. Provisional time table: - Bus 2: departure from the hotel 16.50, arrival at the international airport of Gudja 17.30 (check-in and consignment of hold luggage: 14.30-16.00; check-out from The Hilton Malta of St. Julians ends: 14.30 - the regular check-out ends at 12.00; for check-out after this time the supplement charge is Lm 15). |