17 - 15.10.2012 SUMMARY - TWELFTH GENERAL CONGREGATION (MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 2012 - AFTERNOON) - VOLUME ON THE X GENERAL ORDINARY SYNOD OF THE BISHOPS - DAY OF EXCHANGES AND DIALOGUE ON NEW EVANGELIZATION TWELFTH GENERAL CONGREGATION (MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 2012 - AFTERNOON) - INTERVENTIONS IN THE HALL (CONTINUATION) Today, Monday, October 15 2012, at 4:30 p.m, with the prayer Actiones nostras, the Twelfth General Congregation began for the continuation of the interventions by the Synod Fathers in the Hall on the Synodal theme: «The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith». A period for free discussion followed. President delegate on duty H. Em. Card. John TONG HON, Bishop of Hong Kong (CHINA). At this General Congregation, which ended at 7:00 pm with the prayer of Angelus Domini 249 Fathers were present. At the end of the Congregation the movie Bells of Europe was shown, which was described in Bulletin no. 16 this morning. INTERVENTIONS IN THE HALL (CONTINUATION) The following Fathers intervened: - Rev. F. José RODRÍGUEZ CARBALLO, O.F.M., Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor - H. Em. Rev. Card. Wilfrid Matthew NAPIER, O.F.M., Archbishop of Durban (SOUTH AFRICA) - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Adolfo GONZÁLEZ MONTES, Bishop of Almería (SPAIN) - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Jorge HERBAS BALDERRAMA, O.F.M., Bishop Prelate of Aiquile (BOLIVIA) - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Bernard LONGLEY, Archbishop of Birmingham (GREAT BRITAIN (ENGLAND AND WALES) - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Gabriel Akwasi Ababio MANTE, Bishop of Jasikan (GHANA) - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Robert ZOLLITSCH, Archbishop of Freiburg im Breisgau, President of the Episcopal Conference (GERMANY) - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Sanctus Lino WANOK, Bishop of Nebbi (UGANDA) - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Ladislav NEMET, S.V.D., Bishop of Zrenjanin (SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO) - Rev. F. Bruno CADORÉ, O.P., Master General of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Shlemon WARDUNI, Bishop of Curia of Babylon of the Chaldeans, Titular Bidhop of Anbar of the Chaldeans (IRAQ) - H. Em. Rev. Card. Leonardo SANDRI, Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches (VATICAN CITY) - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Peter J. KAIRO, Archbishop of Nyeri (KENYA) - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Franz-Josef Hermann BODE, Bishop of Osnabrück (GERMANY) - H. Em. Rev. Card. Angelo AMATO, S.D.B., Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (VATICAN CITY) - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Emmanuel Adetoyese BADEJO, Bishop of Oyo (NIGERIA) The summaries of the interventions are published below: - Rev. F. José RODRÍGUEZ CARBALLO, O.F.M., Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor The new evangelizers must be, first of all, men and women animated by a fe recta. If the transmission of the faith is the goal of evangelization (cf. IL 31), then the faith is essential in an evangelizer: a faith that is experienced, lived, celebrated and proclaimed. In formation, permanent as well as initial, particular attention should be given to the theme of faith. This faith must be nourished and made manifest in an intense life of prayer. The new evangelizer, ever since the first years of his formation, must consider himself a permanent disciple in the art of prayer. Only in this way may he avoid the progressive weakening of his faith and seduction by alternatives. It is prayer that enables the evangelizer to respond with evangelical wisdom to the great questions that arise in the human heart and to his most urgent needs, including the need for God. Passion for the Lord must be accompanied by passion for humanity, particularly for the poorest, to the point of becoming, less than the lesser of the earth. Without the testimony of the practice of an active and solid love for the poorest, and without the testimony of a coherent life, always lived in accordance with the logic of the minority and of free service, our message will lack credibility and will run the risk of drowning in a sea of words (cf. NMI 50). This passion for humanity will lead the new evangelizer to face some of the challenges to which mankind today is particularly sensitive - ecological imbalance, the constant threat to peace, the erosion of the most fundamental human rights, such as the right to life - and to place himself adequately in the new areopagus of the mission: the world of education, culture, social communication (cf. VC 96-99). The new evangelizer, during his permanent as well as initial formation, must learn the art of dialogue. The new evangelization is closely linked with dialogue with culture, and with ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. I would propose that this Synod offer guidelines for the formation of the new evangelizers, taking into account the needs of the new evangelization. [00121-02.05] [IN092] [Original text: Spanish] - H. Em. Rev. Card. Wilfrid Matthew NAPIER, O.F.M., Archbishop of Durban (SOUTH AFRICA) I would like to share what the Church of the IMBISA Region in Southern Africa, which comprises Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Sao Tome and Principe, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe, has done in order to meet the changes that have occurred in regard to the supply of personnel, the development of infrastructure and access to funding. Formed in the 1970s, IMBISA (the Interregional Meeting of Bishops in Southern Africa) was from the start committed to meeting the needs and concerns of the entire Region as effectively as possible. Consequently, after dealing with constitutional and organisational matters, IMBISA engaged in systematic analysis, theological reflection and practical planning on how to deal with, among other things, the Alleviation of Poverty among its people, using its own resources. The first step taken in 2001 examined where we stood in regard to resources. We did this using the Pastoral Cycle, with its four practical steps of: a) Exposure/Immersion; b) Social Analysis; c) Theological Reflection and d) Pastoral Planning. At the next Plenary Assembly in 2004 we learned to apply a simple method of Strategic Pastoral Planning, and immediately applied it to our goal of becoming more Self-Reliant in the key areas of a) personnel, b) infrastructure and c) finances. The Bishops set a practical target for each local Church to become 15% more self-reliant by 2007. By 2007 most local Churches reported positive progress, so IMBISA's set about consolidating the level of Self-reliance already achieved by going through a workshop on Good Governance. We saw this as the way to ensure that our Self-reliance would be sustainable even without substantial outside help. This was followed by a workshop on Good Work Ethics. It is our hope therefore that the Church in Southern Africa, equipped with these resources, will be able to complete the projects inspired by a) the Special Assemblies of the Synod of Bishops for Africa in 1994 & 2009, b) the Year of Faith and c) the New Evangelisation for the Transmission of the Christian Faith. That hope is based on the experience of several dioceses, including the Archdiocese of Durban, which have engaged actively in New Evangelisation, using processes similar to RENEW, with its methodology of several years of reflection "seasons" of 6 to 8 weeks on themes such as "Friendship with Jesus", "Friends forever", "Gifts of the Holy Spirit', "Fruits of the Holy Spirit". In a recent survey many lay people testified to experiences of personal and prayerful encounters with Jesus as they read, shared and prayed the Scriptures together. Further they considered that their parishes were on the way towards becoming "evangelized", through their commitment to: a) continuing formation of Adults in their faith; b) systematic preparation for marriage, as well as the mentoring of newly married couples; c) relevant post-First Holy Communion, post-Confirmation and post-Matrimony catechesis, and d) Christian living based on the Gospel values needed for the Church to become truly the Family of God. [00206-02.03] [IN151] [Original text: English] - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Adolfo GONZÁLEZ MONTES, Bishop of Almería (SPAIN) Faith is a work of God, but it also comes to those who do not know Christ through those who know and love Him. Cooperation in the transmission of the faith begins with witness and becomes explicit confession of Christ through its first announcement. To explain the faith presupposes knowledge of Christ, but he is also made known when cases in favor of faith are cited, facing the challenge of disbelief. Faith may create a restlessness of heart felt when one is found before the truth and goodness one has long sought after, but it may also provoke opposition to the Gospel, when the truth proclaimed is perceived as an obstacle to ones own freedom and idea of happiness. Jesus is the savior of man and at the same time stone of scandal and contradiction. Man may refuse the message of the Church because, with the good news of divine forgiveness, the Gospel asks for conversion and the renunciation of the building of a world without God and without Christ. The new evangelization motivates us to demonstrate to todays man that the message of the Church is the good news of Christ who came to save us and offer us full happiness. To give back the faith to who lost Christ is an arduous task; we will not be able to do it with those who live dominated by an agnostic culture without opening up a dialogue with the idea of man that is promoted by contemporary culture, keeping in mind the guarantees of an open society. It is a task that must be accompanied, first, by strengthening within the ecclesial communion, overcoming the present fragmentation of the Church by means of strengthening the catachumenate of adults and the catechesis and cooperation between parish, family and school in the Christian education of children and youth; and, second, by means of the sanctity of live and witness of love. [00207-02.03] [IN152] [Original text: Spanish] - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Jorge HERBAS BALDERRAMA, O.F.M., Bishop Prelate of Aiquile (BOLIVIA) Many pastoral agents trained in the Church who were close collaborators with the pastoral community entered into political life and, finding themselves in positions of power, turned their back on the Catholic Church. We therefore ask ourselves where have we gone wrong as a Church in their formation in the faith, or if they were Christians more for tradition and convenience than by conviction. To respond to this reality, the New Evangelization must begin by first of all evangelizing the evangelizers. The announcement of the Gospel of Christ is the responsibility of all the baptized and begins with a personal encounter with Christ, an experience of faith which allows one to rediscover the beauty of the Christian faith and makes a Christian a true missionary disciple. A Christian mature in his faith acts out of conviction, is inclined to justify his faith even in public, to become a witness to the faith he professes, to witness the announcement of it with his life, he transmits enthusiasm and is convincing. We cannot expect pastoral conversion (Aparecida 370) without having first obtained personal conversion. Then one may pass from a pastoral of preservation, with structures that do not facilitate the transmission of the faith (Aparecida 365) to a pastoral which is decisively missionary and evangelizing, integrating with the Church, which is communion and participation, reflecting Trinitarian communion (Aparecida 213). Only then will the parish community be attractive and inviting; brotherly welcome will be found in it, providing motivation for ones own life of faith and the opportunity to make a commitment to God in the Church. It is necessary to encourage the initial and permanent formation of pastoral agents, to guide them and be grateful to them for their generous service in the transmission of the faith in Christ. [00208-02.03] [IN153] [Original text: Spanish] - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Bernard LONGLEY, Archbishop of Birmingham (GREAT BRITAIN (ENGLAND AND WALES) Instrumentum Laboris art. 125 emphasizes that a renewed commitment to ecumenism is a fruit of the Churchs own transformation. Six points flow from this: 1. Commitment to dialogue and witness can serve the new evangelization. 2. Effective proclamation of faith requires profound listening following the example of Christ. 3. Dialogue deepens understanding of the cultures that need to be evangelized. 4. Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman is a fitting patron for the new evangelization. 5. Lay faithful are called to be new evangelizers and require specific formation for this task (cf Maryvale Institute). 6. This Synod models the collaboration of clergy, Religious and lay faithful that characterizes the new evangelization. [00209-02.03] [IN154] [Original text: English] - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Gabriel Akwasi Ababio MANTE, Bishop of Jasikan (GHANA) While the challenge regarding the character of the faith Ghanaian Catholics is internal to the Church, there are external factors which are equally challenging to its life. Among the external challenges are the ever-increasing number of sects, the emergence of militant Islam and the anti-Church stance of international financial organizations and so-called development partners. The presence and activities of sects with their gospel of prosperity and promises of instant success and wealth are extremely attractive to the youth. This attraction is causing hemorrhage in their membership of the Church. This phenomenon, however, strongly suggests that the youth need something more than wealth and success. Indeed, their attitude and behaviour suggest that they are hungering for the Word of God and thirsting for meaning in life based on solid Catholic formation and direction. Islam in Ghana has so far not posed any open threats to the Catholic Church and other ecclesial communities. In fact, both sides enjoy good relationship and collaborate on major socio-political issues. However, one wonders whether there are no negative currents under this good relationship, and therefore the prevailing situation should not be taken for granted. The anti-Church stance of international financial organizations is negatively affecting the Church in Ghana, particularly the educational sector. For example, it took a strong stand by Catholic Bishops Conference for the teaching of religious and moral education to be restored in elementary schools. Even then, Christian religion and morals are taught alongside those of other faiths. There is also the need to build a deeper and greater trust between the lay faithful and the clergy through a broad based formation whose ultimate aims should include giving them more opportunities for service in the Church with their talents. As regards the youth, their need for programmed supports to develop strong bonds with Christ as their inspirer and source of strength to face the demands their growth towards adulthood makes on them need no over emphasis. [00210-02.03] [IN155] [Original text: English] - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Robert ZOLLITSCH, Archbishop of Freiburg im Breisgau, President of the Episcopal Conference (GERMANY) Even before the 1960s, in the countries of Central and Western Europe, social processes had begun which could be summed up with the terms modernization and secularization. From these came specific shifts and changes that also had to do in a particular way with the religious field. This was a profound process in which the fundamental experiences of life were changed and the individual is no longer limited himself to receiving traditions, but is challenged to decide in person. At the same time this challenge also becomes an opportunity for the new evangelization. Man has within himself an intimate desire for meaning, which has not died in the modern world, though it has been surpassed and covered, but nevertheless continues to reappear. The New Evangelization therefore means helping people bring these trickles of faith into the light, accompanying them in their journey and helping them to discover the traces of God in daily life. We have to search together for the veritas semper maior. And in this shared search we need above all through our behavior to let people experience Gods unconditional love for every single person. [00211-02.04] [IN156] [Original text: German] - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Sanctus Lino WANOK, Bishop of Nebbi (UGANDA) In East Africa, in Nebbi diocese in particular, there is a growing desire for many people who want to know and understand the Word of God. Many lay apostolate movements are trying to put the Word of God at the centre of all their activities. There is a rising interest of the laity to participate in retreats, prayer meetings and pilgrimages so that they may experience deeply the Word. In many of the mission territories, especially in those large communities where priests cannot visit regularly, there are centers run by catechists for Sunday celebration of the Word of God. Certainly, they need proper orientation. There is a growing trend among young people and young adults to attend Liturgy of the Eucharist on Sunday, but later go to listen to evangelical preachers at their gatherings, radio or television with the reason that "our liturgy does not sufficiently articulate the Word of God". Indeed, the faithful are longing for preachers and teachers who would present the Word of God to them as the voice of Christ speaking to them and to their life situation. More than reading and understanding, there is need of praying and meditating daily on this word of life. The New Evangelization calls for: 1. The renewal of church that has the Bible that is Self-interpreting and Self-Witnessing in the personal encounter with Christ. Thus making of the Christian a true disciple who listens and ponder the Living Word. 2. The Biblical Commission and Apostolate to be strengthened with new Methods in each diocese and at Parish level so that they take a leading role in bringing people closer to the deeper understanding of the Word of God. 3. Each Parish to encourage all the members to have and use the Bible in their own families, in lay movements and in their personal lives as disciples of Christ. 4 To promote the use of the Bible for prayer: retreats, novena and pastoral counselling. 5 To use different forms of media in order to promote the appreciation of the Word of God as the centre of spirituality in the life of every Christian.The proclamation of the Word of God has the power to bring believers to an encounter with the person of Jesus Christ. It is through the Scriptures that we come to experience the mystery of salvation, the saving love of Father and the life giving presence of the Holy Spirit is truly at work in the life of the Church. The Word of God can transform people's lives and effect the conversion of heart. [00225-02.03] [IN157] [Original text: English] - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Ladislav NEMET, S.V.D., Bishop of Zrenjanin (SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO) In my remarks regarding the new evangelization I would like to focus on 4 issues. The context of our proclamation: We live in a constantly changing world. It can be true in certain fields, but there are some fundamental values and questions which are valid for ever. Jesus Christ and his teaching are such realities. The Gospel is not changing, but its proclamation can take different forms according to the cultural context of our times. Popular missions: For the renewal of smaller communities (not great cities), as parishes or a pastoral unit, it seems that a once well known practice of popular missions can be reviewed and adjusted to our times. New evangelization is essentially connected with parish work and the mission ad gentes (RM 32-34.). Local churches should not forget in the process of the new evangelization their vocation to take part in ad gentes mission. Personal and structural conversion of us all seems to be in this moment of history very important. [00212-02.03] [IN158] [Original text: English] - Rev. F. Bruno CADORÉ, O.P., Master General of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) The labor of evangelization finds its joy and strength in contemplation. This insight made by mendicant Orders brings to light three of the challenges that evangelization faces. The challenge of knowledge; faced in dialogue with all seekers of truth, philosophers, scientists, researchers. Deploying the sciences and knowledge provides the opportunity to realize this beautiful friendship between faith and the sciences proclaimed by the Council. In faith one contemplates the mystery of the ongoing creation of God and his faithful call to the freedom and reason of man. In friendship we can, with men of science, discern the challenges in order to build together a world for man. The challenge of freedom. In meeting with our contemporaries, believers and non-believers, it is necessary first of all to present the friendship of God with man, rather than formulating questions and answers that at times are not asked in the proper terms. Being led by Gods patience rather than relying on man, so that he learns to place his freedom at the height of his dignity and to contemplate the mercy of Christ, who precedes him, He who teaches his friends what he received from the Father. The challenge of brotherhood. Religious communities desire to be places in which brotherhood constructed in diversity aspires to be transformed by the spirit of communion in sacrament of friendship of God with the world. And, because of this hope, they are challenged to broaden this hope of communion, tying their destination to the forgotten of the world, making of them the conviction of the Synod of 1971: Action on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of the world fully appear to us as a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel. [00213-02.03] [IN159] [Original text: French] - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Shlemon WARDUNI, Bishop of Curia of Babylon of the Chaldeans, Titular Bidhop of Anbar of the Chaldeans (IRAQ) Evangelization, in order to be effective and productive, must find new ways and means: in the first place, it must found itself on the grace of the Holy Spirit, which illuminates man and teaches him to welcome and live his Christian and human vocation and achieve authentic clarity of mind and true joy of heart. The authentic life of teachers who follow a model of sanctity must ask: where is our humility? Where is our unity? Where is our true love of God, who loved us so much he gave his only begotten Son (Jn 3:16; 13:1; 1 Pt 1:22; Jn 13:34)? The Synod preceding this one was on the Word of God, that Word which is vital to the New Evangelization, as the psalmist says Your word is a lamp for my feet. Without the Word, we cannot encounter the Word in person. He is ready to make Himself known and to give strength to those who let themselves be guided by Him. We must therefore evangelize ourselves first, before evangelizing others. Unfortunately, there is a widespread mentality which scorns religion, considering it an obstacle to social and scientific development. Such a vision encourages a fatal indifference, a type of masked atheism. An atheism practiced and spread throughout societies, fueled, unfortunately, by disagreement within the Church. A Church which often finds itself defending itself rather than witnessing to Christ...all these things weaken the faith of the simple people. Another reason for the degradation of religion is the increase in emigration, that is, the escape from certain difficult realities into others, unknown and often difficult - the bitter sweetness as Benedict XVI called it in his speech to the youth in Lebanon. Without forgetting the negative impact of the mass media which often set themselves against the Church to discredit her and weaken her moral strength, thus condemning the faith of teens and youth. Evangelization is one of the most important duties of bishops, as Vatican Council II states, in the Decree Christus Dominus (no.13). The New Evangelization in Iraq: the situation continues to be extremely negative, despite the Churchs continued efforts. The number of Christians continues to decrease, due to the constant emigration of faithful and clergy as well as our poor example, lack of cohesion and the increase of division amongst ourselves. [00215-02.07] [IN161] [Original text: Italian] - H. Em. Rev. Card. Leonardo SANDRI, Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches (VATICAN CITY) Referring to numbers 74 and 75 of the Instrumentum Laboris, I wish to sincerely thank the Holy Father for having introduced the Eastern Catholic Churches to the Synod on the New Evangelization with the gift of the Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Medio Oriente and with his unforgettable visit to Lebanon. This document opens by recalling in all their current relevance the four pillars on which the Church has been founded, right from its origins (Acts 2:42): announcing the Word, charity, the Eucharist and the other sacraments, personal and communal prayer (no. 5). The pairing of communion and witness that guided the Synod for the Middle East and now constitutes the ecclesial priority, draws strength from the four pillars mentioned: they are also valid for this Synod, since they are essential for any action of evangelization. The Eastern Churches are recognized as living witnesses of the origins by the Council itself (cf. OE 1). Blessed John Paul II presented them as the second lung of the one body of Christ and Pope Benedict described them as bearers of authentic Christianity for the whole Church, which looks to the future in security only if it remains anchored to what is in the beginning(Jn 1). They cannot renounce the full ecclesial configuration granted to them by the Council (cf. OE 1;24) nor can they renounce the specific mission of the unity of all the disciples of Christ, especially the Eastern ones (ibid), entrusted to them. With the support of the Holy Father and our congregation, they will do their utmost, therefore, to ensure that they are granted everywhere at least the essential formulae of presence and jurisdiction, while they await more suitable ones. The Eastern Churches ask that the full communion cum Petro e sub Petro should never be undervalued for ecumenical or interreligious reasons, which in this way would themselves be disregarded. The long and faithful ecclesial journey, with the flavor of martyrdom that has always distinguished it, ensure they are qualified operators of the new evangelization. In the mother country they are severely tried in their physical well-being and in the exercise of religious freedom. In the new countries they have to prepare themselves for the equally hard trial of the conspicuous eclipse of the sense of God and the confrontation with languages and models that are completely new. But it really is the sons and daughters of the eastern Churches who find themselves being new evangelizers in the metropolitan areas of every continent, there where the Christian communities are so hurt by indifference or even by the effective or explicit abandonment of Christian belonging. I have to mention again the condition, in some cases of persecution and more frequently of migration, in which many Eastern Christians live. And I echo their desire to be thought of and valued not as a minority but as a presence, that of the evangelical yeast that leavens all the dough. It is the quality of the faith, in reality, that amplifies the impetus of the evangelization. The admirable sensitivity of the Holy Father and the Universal Church contribute and will continue to contribute to dispel the real fear that in the future there may be no living stones to confess the Gospel there where it began its journey. May the pilgrimage, which especially in the year of faith the Churches will undertake to the sites of our salvation, confirm the spiritual and material charity to increase hope for the Eastern Christians and to receive from their testimony that comfort in that same hope which is indispensable for the new evangelization. With our Eastern brothers, humbly we say to ourselves: we take note of the problems, the divisions, the lack of faith in the Gospel, the mingling sometimes with power and the search for economic security as well. We want therefore to purify the spirit and pastoral action, together with our brothers. Thank you, Latin brothers, for the welcome you extended to the Eastern Catholics as protagonists of the new evangelization. We want them to be fully themselves, with their spiritual, ritual and disciplinary articulation. For the good of everyone the work of the Spirit will burst forth, the only guarantor of full unity in pluriformity. Thank you. [00216-02.06] [IN162] [Original text: Italian] - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Peter J. KAIRO, Archbishop of Nyeri (KENYA) Today all over the world the family faces lot of challenges, among them separation, divorce, co-habitation, polygamy, poor parenting and even barrenness. Looking closely, the family is hardly formed to start marriage life and where marriage encounter courses exist. They are for the voluntary few. Ongoing formation after wedding is almost non existent. The issue of single parenting is becoming a global problem that can hardly be ignored any longer. Economic demands that are wider than the income are straining the family. The education system is taking away children from families, while keen observation reveals that in several parts of the world our baptized faithful are living in two marriages at the same time - the traditional and Christian marriage - thus making it impossible for the family to have a clear identity. Some families lack a culture of love and they force some members away. Aware of these challenges, the family needs the support which comes from feeling a part of the Christian Community, being accepted and listened to. The Church must emphasize the true meaning of marriage as divinely instituted complementary bond between man and woman which has to be respected with all its values. There is need for the Church to find ways of strengthening the family so that it becomes a place of evangelization; of deepening their love for God as foundation of their reciprocal love and to accompany them through the challenges they are confronting daily. [00227-02.06] [IN164] [Original text: English] - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Franz-Josef Hermann BODE, Bishop of Osnabrück (GERMANY) In many places in Germany we make an effort to realize a different pastoral. The parish territorial structure continues to be important, to which categorical services are added. Local forms (such as spiritual centers) are important as well. These days, more than a few people come to courses of faith, for example, schools of prayer and daily exercises. It will become ever more important to establish personal relationships in the bosom of small Christian communities, biotopes of faith, of hope, of love. Many find a medial contact there. Even big global events (World Youth Day, ecclesial Congresses) must not be underestimated. The diaconal witness of attention to people today is well understood. In the same way, fashion, culture, aesthetics, music and literature are important in a real and living pastoral. For this reason we strengthen the preparation of volunteer catechists and the series of teams among all the services of the baptized, confirmed, persons in charge, correspondents and consecrated. To this end it would be desirable to expand the possibilities of entrusting to men and women responsibilities in the liturgy, catechism and the diaconate. [00217-02.03] [IN165] [Original text: German] - H. Em. Rev. Card. Angelo AMATO, S.D.B., Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (VATICAN CITY) In the Lineament there are about 40 references to both sanctity, as conversion to Christ and as full reception of his grace, and Saints as indispensable protagonists of the new evangelization: the key element in the work of the new evangelization is for every Christian to answer the call to holiness (no.158). The theme of the sanctity of the Church in her being and in the acting of her children constitutes a recurring theme of the document. Why this insistence? Because in the Saints the Church offers an edifying display of the Gospel lived out, witnessed to and proclaimed sine glossa. Indeed, the Saints evangelize with their virtuous lives, nourished by faith, hope and charity. They personify the evangelical beatitudes, which are a faithful reflection of Christ: blessed are the poor in spirit, the gentle, the pure of heart, the merciful, the peacemakers, the persecuted. They respond with extraordinary creativity to the commandment to love God and neighbor: I was hungry and thirsty and you gave me food and drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, sick and in prison and you visited me. The saints embrace humanity with their love, rendering coexistence better, more peaceful, more fraternal. This is why the days of our calendars are marked with the names of the saints. The history of the Church, in the East as well as the West, in the North as in the South, records saints of every age, country, race, language and culture, so that the grace of God the Trinity might be like the morning dew. It is found on all of the plants in the garden, yet on the rose it is red, on the leaves it is green, on the lilies it is white. It is the same with sanctity which, though being unique as a Divine gift, lightly penetrates and transforms the hearts of children of the Church all around the world, in Asia as well as Africa, in America as well as in Oceania or Europe. There are holy martyrs, holy confessors, holy doctors in the Church. All are witnesses to Christ and evangelizers. [00218-02.07] [IN166] [Original text: Italian] - H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Emmanuel Adetoyese BADEJO, Bishop of Oyo (NIGERIA) Reflecting on the IL 92-95, I believe that the Church needs to explore the possibility of turning the celebration of the sacraments themselves into more efficacious moments of faith impact which can attract non-Christians to catechesis and commitment. This can be done if we continually update homiletics and sacramental procedure with engaging art, language, idioms and imagery which can better communicate their power and meaning. The engaging power of solemn but exuberant, multimedia liturgy can focus the restive faculties of modern man on the work of the Holy Spirit to stabilize him against consumerism, corruption, materialism and relativism to become a witness to the Gospel (I.L 119, 123). New evangelization could exploit this model which Africa counts on so much in its liturgy. Many in the world of today may not go to Church but they need the Church to come to them, right there where people are found, especially in those places where churches are emptying. Or is it the Holy Spirit calling us out of the catacombs of fear and self-consciousness to share Jesus more with others? The original spaces of social media namely the playgrounds, the streets, town squares, market places, nightclubs, shopping malls, even pubs and the slums, thirst to be Church in some form. Priests and Bishops may not get the high table treatment in these places but just a word or gesture from us could unveil the face of Jesus as a first encounter for someone and that is where faith begins. Here is where the call for a new evangelization with new zeal, means and methods make real meaning in my view. I would like this Synod to strongly reaffirm the role and responsibility of Catholic media professionals and practitioners in the New Evangelization and the need to pay particular attention to their spiritual development. Millions of youth all over the world are sharing the same stories, experiences and challenges, irrespective of their location, thanks to the new social, personal and digital media. The Church must humbly seek their confidence and trust knowing that youth prefer a co-communicator relationship to the old teacher-learner, speaker-listener model. When they feel like allies with the Church they can with the right format and language bring their Christian faith and values to the new social forums. [00219-02.03] [IN167] [Original text: English] VOLUME ON THE X GENERAL ORDINARY SYNOD OF THE BISHOPS "The Bishop: Servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Hope of the World" was the theme of the X Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, celebrated in the Vatican in 2001. A volume entitled with the same synodal theme was presented to the Holy Father Benedict XVI in the Tenth Congregation this morning, who gave a copy to each Synodal Father and Participant in this Assembly. Published by the Lateran University Press, the text was edited by the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, H. Exc. Mons. Nikola Eterović, Tit. Archbishop of Cibale (VATICAN CITY). It is composed of four parts. It contains Synodal Acts, from the announcement of the theme, with related preliminaries, to the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Pastores gregis. The available documentation is broad: synodal works chronicling all the general Congregations, meetings of Working Groups, development of Propositions and information on the activity of the Synod are recorded. In the Appendices are to be found the texts of the Secretary General, in particular the Lineament, the Instrumentum Laboris, the List of Participants and the various Commissions. [00292-02.03] [NNNNN] [Original text: Italian] DAY OF EXCHANGES AND DIALOGUE ON NEW EVANGELIZATION Good news is the theme of the day of exchange and dialogue on the new evangelization promoted by Roma Capitale on the occasion of the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Two events are planned for next Thursday, 18 October 2012, organized in collaboration with the Secretary of the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops , Vatican Radio and Hope. In the morning, at 10.30 in the Protomoteca Hall on the Capitoline Hill, an international conference will be held. There will be official greetings from Gianni Alemanno,Mayor of Rome; H. Exc. Mons. Nikola Eterović, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops; H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Salvatore Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of New Evangelization and Father Federico Lombardi, S.J., Director of Vatican Radio, of the Vatican Television Service and the Holy See Press Office. These will be followed by statements from Maria Voce, President of the Focolari Movement; Franco Miano, National President of Azione Cattolica Italiana and Chiara Amirante, Founder and Presidente of the Comunità Nuovi Orizzonti, all auditors at this Synod. At 12 there will be time for interventions by some of the Synodal Fathers from the five continents. Marco Brusati, general manager of Hope will be coordinating. In the evening there will be an international concert of Christian Music. This will be at 9pm in the Sinopoli Hall of the Romes Parco della Musica Auditorium. [00293-02.03] [NNNNN] [Original text: Italian] |