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Press Release 


In the past, the Dicastery, as a rule, did not make public decisions about alleged supernatural phenomena. However, in light of the persistent doubts raised about the alleged apparitions and revelations in Amsterdam from 1945 to 1959, in connection with the devotion to “The Lady of All Nations”, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith is making known the result of the Ordinary Session of the then Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, held on 27 March 1974, which reached the following decisions about the events in question:

1. As for a doctrinal judgment, OMNES: “constat de non supernaturalitate.”

2. As for whether to investigate the phenomenon further, OMNES: “negative.”

These decisions were approved by the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI, during an audience granted to the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal F. Šeper, on 5 April 1974.

The information above is being communicated so that the holy People of God and its Pastors may draw the appropriate conclusions.

Víctor Manuel Card. Fernández