Pastoral visit to Genoa (Italy) (September 21-22, 1985)
To the workers of the "Nuova Italsider" factory in Cornigliano (September 21, 1985)[Italian]
Greetings to the people gathered in "Piazza del Porto Vecchio" (September 21, 1985) [Italian]
To priests and religious in the Cathedral of St Lawrence (September 21, 1985)[Italian]
Visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Guard (September 22, 1985)[Italian]
To the sick recovered in the institute "Piccolo Cottolengo di Don Orione" in Paverano (September 22, 1985)[Italian]
To youth in the Sport Palace (September 22, 1985) [Italian]
To the seminarians of «Benedict XV» Major Seminar (September 22, 1985)[Italian]
To the community of the «Giannina Gaslini» Pediatric Hospital (September 22, 1985)[Italian]
Beatification of Mother Virginia Centurione Bracelli in "Piazza della Vittoria" (September 22, 1985)[Italian]
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