The Holy See
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 Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

People on the Move

N° 111 (Suppl.), December 2009




MONDAY, 20th October 2008


Welcome Address

p. 9

Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO

Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

Presentation of the Meeting

p. 17

S.E. Mons. Agostino MARCHETTO

Secretario del Consejo Pontificio para la Pastoral de los Migrantes e Itinerantes


p. 35

Caridade e serviço para os que trabalham na rodovia e ferrovia

Rvdo. Pe. Marian LITEWKA, CM

Membro do Equipo de Pastoral Rodoviária, Brasil

Round Table


“The Word of God illumines the Road” (GPCR-S:10):

Evangelisation and Education in the Environment of the Road and Railway

p. 43

Rev. Msgr. Wolfgang Miehle

National Director for the Pastoral Care of Migrants of the Episcopal Conference, Germany

p. 51

Rvda. Hna. Teresinha Monteiro, mscs

Secretaria Ejecutiva – Pastoral de la Movilidad Humana –

Pastoral Metropolitana de Bogotà, Colombia

p. 59

Sr. Hugo Leal Melo DA Silva

Diputado Federal, Brasil

TUESDAY, 21st October 2008



p. 69

La prostitucíon y el tráfico de seres humanos: nueva forma de esclavitud

Rvdo. P. Algacir MUNHAK, S.C.

Vicepresidente del INCAMI, Chile

Round Table


“The Encounter with Jesus Christ, the Good Samaritan and Saviour”

 (GPCR-S: 113): A Pastoral Care for the Redemption and Liberation of Women of the Street

p. 79

Rev. Sr. Rebecca KAY THI OO

Social Worker, Myanmar

p. 85

Señor Francisco Javier García ATEN

Coordinador Nacional del Proyecto Trata, México


p. 95

A Commitment for the Reintegration of Women of the Street

Rev. Sr. Eugenia BONETTI, ISMC

Official Responsible for “Trafficking of Women and Minors” of the National USMI, Rome

WEDNESDAY, 22nd October 2008




p. 113

La pastoral de los niños de la calle en América Latina y el Caribe

Rvdo.  Francisco Pereira OCHAGAVÍA

Director Pastoral Corporación Maria Ayuda, Chile

Round Table

p. 125

“Changing track.” (GPCR-S: 137): The Challenge and Dynamics for the Possible Reintegration of Street Children into the Family Unit

Rvdo. Benicio Enrique Montes Posada

Vicepresidente – Fundacion ¡Viva los ninos!, Colombia


p. 133

A Pastoral Care of Welcome in Favour of Street Children


President of the “Preda Foundation Inc.”, Philippines

THURSDAY 23rd October 2008



p. 143

La pastoral de las personas sin techo y de los cartoneros en el Continente Latinoamericano y el Caraibe

Rvda. Hna. Maria Cristina Bove ROLETTI

Coordinadora Nacional de la Pastoral del Pueblo de la calle, Brasil

Round Table


“A Better Future” (GPCR-S: 147): Good Practice and Collaboration in the Pastoral Care of the Homeless and “Cardboard Gatherers”

p. 165

S.E. Mons. Rubén Oscar FRASSIA

Presidente de la Comisión Episcopal de Migraciones y Turismo, Argentina

p. 169

Rvda. Hna. Noemy Sánchez CASTRO

Directora del centro ambulatorio Medalla, Bogotá

p. 174

Sr. Luz Maria Rodriguez Moreno MATHEY


p. 195

“Formas de solidaridad y compromiso apostólico con las personas sin techo y los cartoneros”

Rvdo. P. Augustín MOREIRA, S.J.

Capellán General – Hogar de Cristo, Chile

p. 209

Documento Final (en español)

p. 223

Final Document

*     *     *

p. 237

List of Participants

