Pastoral visit to Campania (Italy) (May 23 - 24, 1992)
- To Entrepreneurs, Workers and Townspeople in the "Wholesale Development Center" of Nola (Naples, May 23, 1992)
- Eucharistic Concelebration in the town of Nola (May 23, 1992)
- To Priests and Religious in the Cathedral of Nola (Naples, May 23, 1992)
- To the Townspeople in Piazza Dante (Caserta, May 23, 1992)
- Eucharistic celebration for the faithful of the Archdiocese of Caserta (May 23, 1992)
- To Students of the School of Military Aeronautics (Caserta, May 23, 1992)
- To Priests, Religious and Missionaries of the Diocese (Caserta, May 24, 1992)
- Meeting with the Townspeople of Capua (Caserta, May 24, 1992)
- Eucharistic Concelebration in the town of Capua (May 24, 1992)
- Recitation of the Regina Caeli in Capua (May 24, 1992
[Italian, Spanish]
- Meeting with the Telecommunication Workers in Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta, May 24, 1992)
- Visit to the Juvenile Rehabilitation Institute Andrea Angiulli of Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta, May 24, 1992)
- Meeting with the Young People of the Archdiocese of Capua in Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta, May 24, 1992)
- To Participants of the International Conference of Studies for the 1600th Anniversary of the Council of Capua at Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta, May 24, 1992)