25 - 15.10.2009 SUMMARY - TWELFTH GENERAL CONGREGATION (MONDAY 12 OCTOBER 2009 -AFTERNOON) - CONTINUATION - WORKING GROUPS: SECOND AND THIRD SESSIONS - FIFTEENTH GENERAL CONGREGATION (TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2009 - MORNING) - ERRATA CORRIGE (IV) - NOTICES TWELFTH GENERAL CONGREGATION (MONDAY 12 OCTOBER 2009 -AFTERNOON) - CONTINUATION - INTERVENTION OF THE AUDITOR (V) - CONTINUATION The summary of the intervention by the auditor who spoke during the Twelfth General Congregation on Monday, October 12th 2009 is published below: - Mrs. Marguerite A. PEETERS (BELGIUM) The period that separates the first Synodal Assembly from the second historically corresponds to an unprecedented phase of acceleration in cultural and ethical globalization. The application, already effective, on the continent of Africa of United Nations Conferences in Cairo on population (1994) and in Beijing on women (1995) represents a critical political aspect of this globalization. These transformed values, language, the life styles of a decadent Western civilization into so-called norms worldwide. The world governing bodies de facto impose on African states and development officers new terms for financial and technical aid, among other priority applications of the kind, and for the reproductive health and the appropriation of a new post-modern and lay ethic expressing itself through a new language. They even try to sway the Church towards this ethic. The Church is still very ignorant in relation to the stakes of this ethic. Ignorance exposes Christians to the dangers of an amalgamation between paradigms of a world cultural revolution and the social doctrine of the Church. This amalgamation, in turn, threatens to lead Christians in Africa to the desalination of faith which was responsible for the secularization of the West. An effort of discernment and vigilance imposes itself with urgency. [00208-02.03] [UD020] [Original text: French] WORKING GROUPS: SECOND AND THIRD SESSIONS Yesterday Wednesday 14 October 2009, the discussions in the Working Groups continued. For the Second Session, 220 Fathers were present, during the Third Session 214 Fathers were present. The first part of the discussions in the Working Groups (on the main points that need more studies, offered by the Relatio post disceptationem), ended with the approval of the Reports by the Working Groups, that the Relators of the Working Groups presented in the Hall during the Fifteenth General Congregation this morning. FIFTEENTH GENERAL CONGREGATION (TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2009 - MORNING) - REPORTS OF THE WORKING GROUPS - AUDITION OF THE FRATERNAL DELEGATES (IV) - AUDITION OF THE AUDITORS (VI) Today, Thursday 15 October 2009, at 9.00 a.m., in remembrance of St. Teresa of Jesus, virgin, doctor of the Church, discalced Carmelite, in the presence of the Holy Father, after the chanting of the Hour of Terce, the Fifteenth General Congregation began, with the reading in the Hall of the Reports of the Working Groups. President Delegate on duty was H.Em Card. Wilfrid Fox NAPIER, O.F.M., Archbishop of Durban (SOUTH AFRICA). During the break, the Holy Father Benedict XVI received in audience the English Working group B and E. At this General Congregation that ended at 12.30 with the Prayer Angelus Domini, 244 Synod Fathers were present. REPORTS OF THE WORKING GROUPS Fruit of the discussion of the Working Groups are the Reports compiled as a collection of opinions of the majority and minority, who transparently express the converging and non converging opinions, if any. These reports which have been submitted for the approval of the Working Groups to collect all the suggestions and reflections of the members of each Group thus form a faithful projection of the opinions of the majority as well as any minority. These reports are very important since they are the most evident expression of the thought of the Synodal Fathers involved in the discussion of the Groups and also contain on a life line the elements for the general consensus of the Synod itself. All the reports considered on as a whole represent in some way the first summary of the synodal work. During the Fifteenth General Congregation of this morning, the Reports of the Working Groups, prepared by the Relators of the Working Groups, were read, in the order of their request for intervention: - Lusitanus: H. Exc. Mons. Gabriel MBILINGI, C.S.Sp., Archbishop Coadjutor Lubango, President of the "Inter-regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa" (I.M.B.I.S.A.) (ANGOLA) - Gallicus E: Rev. F. Edouard TSIMBA, C.I.C.M., Superior General of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Missionaries of Scheut) (UNION OF THE SUPERIOR GENERAL) - Anglicus A: H. Exc. Mons. Anthony John Valentine OBINNA, Archbishop of Owerri (NIGERIA) - Gallicus A: Rev. F. Gérard CHABANON, M. Afr., Superior General of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) (UNION OF THE SUPERIOR GENERAL) - Anglicus C: Rev. Mons. Obiora Francis IKE, Director of "Catholic Institute for Development, Justice and Peace" (CIDJAP), Enugu, Nigeria (NIGERIA) - Gallicus C: H. Exc. Mons. Philippe OUÉDRAOGO, Archbishop of Ouagadougou (BURKINA FASO) - Anglicus - Gallicus: H. Exc. Mons. Jean MBARGA, Bishop of Ebolowa (CAMEROON) - Anglicus B: H. Exc. Mons. Sithembele Anton SIPUKA, Bishop of Umtata (SOUTH AFRICA)- Gallicus B: H. Exc. Mons. Louis PORTELLA MBUYU, Bishop of Kinkala, President of the Episcopal Conference (REPUBLIC OF CONGO) - Anglicus E: H. Exc. Mons. Martin Igwemezie UZOUKWU, Bishop of Minna (NIGERIA) - Gallicus D: H. Exc. Mons. Denis Komivi AMUZU-DZAKPAH, Archbishop of Lomé (TOGO) - Anglicus D: H. Exc. Mons. Lucas ABADAMLOORA, Bishop of Navrongo-Bolgatanga, President of the Episcopal Conference (GHANA) The summaries of the Reports of the Working Groups presented during the Fifteenth General Congregation are published below: - Lusitanus: H. Exc. Mons. Gabriel MBILINGI, C.S.Sp., Archbishop Coadjutor Lubango, President of the "Inter-regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa" (I.M.B.I.S.A.) (ANGOLA) A. Some themes not developed: - Consecrated Life, the role of Bishops, of priests, of catechists, as qualified agents of reconciliation; - the administration of justice as an essential element for a reconciliated society, knowing the problems existing in our countries pertinent to this; - The Word of God as light which illuminates the paths of Reconciliation, of Justice and of Peace; - Liturgy as center of life of the Christian and therefore essential in the path of re conciliation; - The role of the school and of the family as places of formation for reconciliation - Inculturation without which the efforts of reconciliation could be useless; - Pneumatological and Marian dimension; - Tribalism and xenophobia as the causes of violent conflicts and violations to human rights; - Fetishism as an element that generates suffering, fear, conflicts and exploitation of peoples ; - Young people, adolescents and children as protagonists of reconciliation and peace and not only victims; - Hunger, expression of the lack of the basic means for a dignified life, as an element that generates conflicts and injustice; B. Some suggestions - A clear reference to the Social Doctrine of the Church, as being part of the content of our Evangelizing and Catechetical Doctrine - That Catechesis should take on a Catechumenal model, that leads a person to make their personal choice for Christ; - To refer to the fundamental role of Consecrated Life in the mission and life of the Church, emphasizing above all its work in the field of reconciliation, justice and peace through prayer, present in school, in hospitals, in the mass media for social communication, promotion of woman, etc. - To point out the role of women in the field of reconciliation from its proper feminine characteristic; - To emphasize politic work as service to the society, helping Christian politics to assume their commitments based on their own faith. Trying to invest in the formation and supervision of laws in the various sector of his life, with the possibility to nominate chaplains for the specific sectors: professors, police, military, etc. - As for clergy, insist on the existence of sacerdotal minister as the service to the people of God and not as authoritarian. That the priests support truth in the people, with time for the ministry of listening and reconciliation. Being able to help in the healing of wounds and traumas. Being also aware of their social role, by becoming authentic instruments of reconciliation, even among non Christians. - To denounce serious situations against human rights, by doing it with energy, clearly and precisely.- To have the courage to walk a path of reconciliation and purification of memory within the Church. [00299-02.04] [CM001] [Original text: Portuguese] - Gallicus E: Rev. F. Edouard TSIMBA, C.I.C.M., Superior General of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Missionaries of Scheut) (UNION OF THE SUPERIOR GENERAL) The search for truth is the necessary condition for reconciliation. Continent of many resources and yearnings, Africa must bring her own contribution to the rest of the world. Is it possible to speak about peace to a hungry people? Can poverty excuse the rage against each other for acts of barbarity? To speak of reconciliation means to speak about the mercy of God. Only a person reconciled with God, living in peace, is able to bring peace. Therefore it is necessary to recall the value of the sacrament of reconciliation and therefore the seriousness and time that the agents (priests) must direct to this subject by consecrating all the time and preparation needed, for personal confession as well as for community celebrations. Christ is the source of reconciliation and justice. To begin again from Him, in prayer and full of His Word. We should form lay persons more, men and women, as agents of reconciliation. As well as Biblical foundations, use the African traditional foundations in proverbs, sentences. Despite everything going on in Africa, we should not despair. Many good things also happen there and are worthy of the worlds attention. The life and witness of many Christians, sometimes to the point of martyrdom, are worthy of being remembered and are a source to reinforce faith. The life and example of Church agents, without distinctions, is of great importance in this domain of reconciliation. In fact, for Christians, it is in hope that we are saved (Spe salvi). We must inspire the collaboration of men as well as women, in the consideration of their qualities, in the Church and in society. May all Christians, each according to their ministry, be proud of being such and demonstrating it in their lives. Thus, our Church will become a community of joy and celebration and will accomplish her prophetic mission. Holiness is a plea for us all, men and women, and is worthy of an important place in the text. [00301-02.02] [CM002] [Original text: French] - Anglicus A: H. Exc. Mons. Anthony John Valentine OBINNA, Archbishop of Owerri (NIGERIA) The summary by the Relator of the Working Group has not been delivered. - Gallicus A: Rev. F. Gérard CHABANON, M. Afr., Superior General of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) (UNION OF THE SUPERIOR GENERAL) Introduction We thank God for the involvement of lay persons, men and women, in the self-determination of the Church in Africa. But we would also like to turn attention to the negative influence of witchcraft, a truly occult war which Africa bears within her. Vision Justice, peace and reconciliation are gifts from God. The Church has a prophetic role to play in making these gifts bear fruit. MethodA dual path is called for: denouncing and announcing. Denouncing the injustices by trying to understand the deep causes for them and announcing, to proclaim the efforts, the politics that are going in the right direction. Two great themes 1. The family: This is the base cell of Christian society and communities. It is threatened by poverty, bad government, the difficulty in teaching children, violence and irresponsibility by fathers of families who abandon their spouses and children. 2. Islam: A greatly discussed subject. The situations in Africa are many and in particular between North and South of the Sahara. Arabness and Africanity do not always have the same values. A dialogue of life and a social dialogue could be developed between Christians and Muslims. It has been strongly underlined that we must aim everywhere at the freedom of conscience and the reciprocity of worship. Other themes - Traditional African Religions must have more space in our reflection. - Formation, the life and role of priests. - Development of permanent deacons, the possible players of justice, peace and reconciliation. - Solidarity among churches. That Episcopal Conferences speak with one voice. - Importance of ecumenism. Conclusion We walk under the guidance of the Holy Spirit towards a plan of action for the Church of Africa that will make it a recognized and appreciated agent of social transformation which inscribes itself perfectly in her evangelizing mission. [00303-02.02] [CM004] [Original text: French] - Anglicus C: Rev. Mons. Obiora Francis IKE, Director of "Catholic Institute for Development, Justice and Peace" (CIDJAP), Enugu, Nigeria (NIGERIA) The summary by the Relator of the Working Group has not been delivered. - Gallicus C: H. Exc. Mons. Philippe OUÉDRAOGO, Archbishop of Ouagadougou (BURKINA FASO) The summary by the Relator of the Working Group has not been delivered. - Anglicus - Gallicus: H. Exc. Mons. Jean MBARGA, Bishop of Ebolowa (CAMEROON) The report contains two main articulations: 1. General appreciation for the relatio postdisceptationem, 2. Answers to the questionnaire of this document. In general, the relatio postdisceptationem was positively received; the needs related to its drafting shows the worthiness of its author who was able to produce such a text in so short a time with so few characters. The Secretariat of the Synod could have foreseen giving more time and more literary space. However, we would have liked it to be drafted in following as much as possible the structure of the Instrumentum laboris. Moreover, a multi-ministerial vision of the Church would have given more importance to the place and the mission of all the categories of the People of God in the Church, especially the lay persons. The question of tribalism in the Church is still the major challenge. An equilibrium could have been made between the theological developments and the breadth of the human dramas in Africa to which the synodal fathers must answer; the prophetic action of the justice and peace commissions should also have been taken more into consideration. The analysis of the African conflicts should have allowed the study of the main causes, such as pillaging of the natural resources of Africa, more incisive than the so often incriminated tribalism. Group 12 recognizes that the Synod is a gift from God for the whole Church and even for all of humanity. Ecclesial communion is also a force which must allow Africans to confront the challenges which are theirs, with hope and the resurrection, as well as in complete universal solidarity. Faith in Christ which is specific to Christians offers all men and especially Africans, a real ability to breathe the spirit of reconciliation, justice and peace into the whole continent. It is for all African Christians a plea to a true missionary and prophetic commitment for it to be in every place and in every time the sign and instrument of this reconciled, peaceful and just Africa. [00300-02.02] [CM007] [Original text: French] - Anglicus B: H. Exc. Mons. Sithembele Anton SIPUKA, Bishop of Umtata (SOUTH AFRICA) The summary by the Relator of the Working Group has not been delivered. - Gallicus B: H. Exc. Mons. Louis PORTELLA MBUYU, Bishop of Kinkala, President of the Episcopal Conference (REPUBLIC OF CONGO) The summary by the Relator of the Working Group has not been delivered. - Anglicus E: H. Exc. Mons. Martin Igwemezie UZOUKWU, Bishop of Minna (NIGERIA) The summary by the Relator of the Working Group has not been delivered. - Gallicus D: H. Exc. Mons. Denis Komivi AMUZU-DZAKPAH, Archbishop of Lomé (TOGO) The summary by the Relator of the Working Group has not been delivered. - Anglicus D: H. Exc. Mons. Lucas ABADAMLOORA, Bishop of Navrongo-Bolgatanga, President of the Episcopal Conference (GHANA) The summary by the Relator of the Working Group has not been delivered. AUDITION OF THE FRATERNAL DELEGATES (IV) Then, the following Fraternal Delegate intervened: - His Grace Owdenburg Moses MDEGELLA, Bishop of the Lutheran Diocese of Iringa (TANZANIA) The summary of the Fraternal Delegate was published (by accident) as inscriptis in Bulletin No. 24 yesterday, October 14th 2009. AUDITION OF THE AUDITORS (VI) After, the following Auditors intervened: - Mr. Ngon-Ka-Ningueyo (François) MADJADOUM, Director of SECADEV (Catholic Assistance and Development) (CHAD) - Mrs. Marie-Madeleine KALALA NGOY MONGI, Lawyer, Honorary Minister of Human Rights (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO) - Rev. Sister Marie-Bernard ALIMA MBALULA, Secretary of the Commission Justice and Peace, National Episcopal Conference of Congo (CENCO) and of the Association of Episcopal Conferences of Central Africa (A.C.E.A.C.), Kinshasa (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO) - Dr. Victor M. SCHEFFERS, Secretary General of the Commission Justice and Peace of Netherlands, The Hague (NETHERLANDS) The summaries of the Auditors were published (by accident) as inscriptis in Bulletin No. 24 yesterday, October 14th 2009. ERRATA CORRIGE (IV) The corrections published in the Errata Corrige in Bulletin No.25 can be found in the specific Bulletins published in these Internet pages. NOTICES - MOVIE PROJECTION - CALENDAR - PRESS CONFERENCES - BRIEFING - POOL - BULLETIN SYNODUS EPISCOPORUM - LIVE TV COVERAGE - TELEPHONE NEWS-BULLETIN - OPENING HOURS OF THE HOLY SEE PRESS OFFICE MOVIE PROJECTION At the end of work yesterday, Wednesday October 14th, the Synodal Fathers and the other participants at the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops watched a screening of an edited version of the film Saint Augustine, inspired by the figure of the great African saint, Bishop of Hippo and Doctor of the Church. A short version in German was shown to the Holy Father on September 2nd in the Swiss Room of the Palazzo Apostolico in Castel Gandolfo. It seems to me to be a spiritual journey in a spiritual continent very far away from us, yet at the same time very near - said the Pope - because the human drama is always the same. We have seen how, in a context that is very distant for many of us, it represents all the reality of human life, with all it problems, sadness and failures, as well as the fact that, in the end, the Truth is stronger than any obstacle and finds man. This is the great hope that remains in the end: we cannot find the Truth on our own, but the Truth, who is Person, will find us. Seen from outside the life of Saint Augustine appears to end tragically: the world in and for which he lived ends, it is destroyed. But as has been affirmed here, his message remained and, through all the worlds changes, it will endure, because it comes from Truth and leads to Charity, which is our shared destination. Saint Augustine is co-produced by Lux Vide, Rai Trade and Rai Fiction (Italy), Bayerrischer Rundfunk/Tellux Film and Eos Entertainment (Germany), and Grupa Filmova Baltmedia (Poland). It is directed by the Canadian Christian Duguay. [00326-02.03] [RE000] [Original text: Italian] CALENDAR Vatican Radio and the Pontifical Council for Social Communications is promoting a series of three meetings on the theme Africa in the mass media - around the fire of the new information paradigms. The next, second, meeting will be on Saturday 17th October 2009, the third on Thursday the 22nd, in the Marconi Room at Vatican Radio, Piazza Pia, Rome. The first meeting was held on October 2nd. The reflection will start from the themes of the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops which, the organizers explain, is undoubtedly a great opportunity to speak of Africa and the problems that afflict it. A large part of these problems are linked to the question of peace that the Church has chosen, rightly, to place at the center of the Synods reflection. The meetings will be guided by Synodal Fathers, journalists and communications experts, who will help to understand better the problems that obstruct true and objective information about Africa. The hope - explain the organizers - is therefore that this opportunity will be welcomed by the media to offer information aimed at promoting the development of Africa, without removing attention from the real situation on the continent. [00327-02.02] [MMMMM] [Original text: Italian] PRESS CONFERENCES The third Press Conference on the Synod works (with simultaneous translations in Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese) will be held in the John Paul II Hall of the Holy See Press Office on Friday 23 October 2009 (after the Nuntius) at approximately 12.45 pm. Speakers: - H. Exc. Mons. John Olorunfemi ONAIYEKAN, Archbishop of Abuja (NIGERIA), President of the Commission for the Message - H. Exc. Mons. Youssef Ibrahim SARRAF, Bishop of Cairo of Chaldean Rite (EGYPT), Vice President of the Commission for the Message- H. Exc. Mons. Francisco João SILOTA, M. Afr., Bishop of Chimoio, Second Vice-President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (S.E.C.A.M.) (MOZAMBIQUE), Member of the Commission for the Message The fourth Press Conference on the Synod works (with simultaneous translations in Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese) will be held in the John Paul II Hall of the Holy See Press Office on Saturday 24 October 2009 (after the Elenchus finalis propositionem) at approximately 12.45 pm. Speakers: - H. Em. Card. Peter Kodwo Appiah TURKSON, Archbishop of Cape Coast, President of the Association of the Episcopal ConferenceS of Western Africa (A.E.C.W.A.) (GHANA), Relator General - H. Exc. Mons. Damião António FRANKLIN, Archbishop of Luanda, President of the Episcopal Conference (ANGOLA), Special Secretarie - H. Exc. Mons. Edmond DJITANGAR, Bishop of Sarh (CHAD), Special Secretarie The Press Conferences are presided by Rev. F. Federico LOMBARDI, S.I., Director of the Holy See Press Office, Secretary ex-officio of the Commission for Information of the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops. For an access permit, audio-visual operators (cameramen and technicians) and photographers are requested to apply to the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. BRIEFING The ninth Briefing for linguistic groups will be held (in the places and with the Press Attaché indicated in Bulletin N.2), Friday 16 October 2009 at approximately 13.10. The Press Attaches will be accompanied by a Synod Father, as published below: English language - H. Exc. Mons. John Olorunfemi ONAIYEKAN, Archbishop of Abuja (NIGERIA) French language - H. Exc. Mons. Fidèle AGBATCHI, Archbishop of Parakou (BENIN) Italian language - H. Exc. Mons. Odon Marie Arsène RAZANAKOLONA, Archbishop of Tananarive (MADAGASCAR) Portuguese language - H. Exc. Mons. Filomeno DO NASCIMENTO VIEIRA DIAS, Bishop of Cabinda (ANGOLA) The audio-visual operators (cameramen and technicians) and photographers are kindly requested to apply to the Pontifical Council for Social Communications for their entry permit (very restricted). The following briefings will take place, at approximately 13.10: - Saturday 17 October 2009 - Tuesday 20 October 2009 POOLS On the following days, pools of accredited journalists will have access to the Synod Hall in general for the opening prayer of the morning General Congregations. - Saturday 17 October 2009- Tuesday 20 October 2009 - Friday 23 October 2009 - Saturday 24 October 2009 Registration lists for the pools will be available for reporters at the Information Accreditation desk of the Holy See Press Office (to the right of the entrance hall). For the pools, the photographers and TV operators are kindly requested to apply to the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. The Participants in the pools are kindly requested to meet at 8.30 am in the Press Sector which is located outside, in front of the entrance to the Paul VI Hall. From there they will be accompanied by an official of the Holy See Press Office (for reporters) and by an official of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (for photographers and TV camera teams). Suitable dress is required. BULLETIN SYNODUS EPISCOPORUM The summaries of the Reports by the Working Groups not published in Bulletin No. 25 will be published in Bulletin No. 26 as soon as possible. Bulletin N° 27 will be published on Saturday 17 October 2009 , at the end of the Sixteenth General Congregation in the morning. LIVE TV COVERAGE The following events will be transmitted live on the TV monitors in the Telecommunications Room, in the Journalists Room and in the John Paul II Conference Hall of the Holy See Press Office: - Sunday 25 October 2008 (9:30 ): Solemn Concelebration of the Holy Mass at the conclusion of the Synod (Saint Peters Basilica). Any variations will be published as soon as possible. TELEPHONE NEWS-BULLETIN During the period of the Synod, a telephone news-bulletin will be available: - +39-06-698.19 for the ordinary daily Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office; - +39-06-698.84051 for the Bulletin of the Synod of Bishops - morning session; - +39-06-698.84877 for the Bulletin of the Synod of Bishops - afternoon session. OPENING HOURS OF THE HOLY SEE PRESS OFFICE\pard line During the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops, the Holy See Press Office will be open during the following hours, until 25 October 2009: - From Wednesday 14 October to Saturday 17 October: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Sunday 18 October: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - From Monday 19 October to Saturday 24 October: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Sunday 25 October: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The staff of the Information and Accreditation Desk (to the right of the entrance hall) will be available: - Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Notice of any changes will be communicated as soon as possible and will be posted on the bulletin board in the Journalists Area of the Holy See Press Office, published in the Bulletin of the Commission for Information of the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops and in the Service Information area of the Internet site of the Holy See. |