27 - 17.10.2009 SUMMARY - WORKING GROUPS: FOURTH, FIFTH AND SIXTH SESSIONS - SIXTEENTH GENERAL CONGREGATION (SATURDAY 17 OCTOBER 2009 - (MORNING) - NOTICES WORKING GROUPS: FOURTH, FIFTH AND SIXTH SESSIONS On the afternoon of Thursday. 15 October 2009, memory of Saint Teresa of Jesus, virgin, doctor of the Church, Barefoot Carmelite and Friday 16 October 2009, optional memory of Saint Hedwig, Duchess of Poland, religious and of Saint Mary M. Alacoque, virgin, of the Visitation Order, the Working Groups continued working on the presentation of the Propositions. There were 215 Fathers present during the Fourth Session, 209 during the Fifth and 206 during the Sixth. SIXTEENTH GENERAL CONGREGATION (SATURDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2009 - MORNING) - PRESENTATION OF THE SCHEME OF THE MESSAGE - SUFFRAGATIO PRO CONSILIO (I) - DISCUSSION ON THE SCHEME OF THE MESSAGE Today at 9:05, Saturday, 17 October 2009, memory of St. Ignazio of Antiochia, bishop and martyr, at the presence of the Holy Father, with the chant of the Third Hour, the Sixteenth General Congregation began, for the presentation of the Scheme of the Message, for discussion on the Message and for the First Voting of the Special Council for Africa of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. President Delegate on duty H.Em. Card. Théodore-Adrien SARR, Archbishop of Dakar (SENEGAL). At the opening of the General Congregation, the Secretary General announced that on the occasion of the anniversary of the election of the Servant of God Pope John Paul II, the Synod Fathers and other Participants in the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops will receive as a gift a copy of Gian Franco Svidercoschis book Un Papa che non muore. Leredità di Giovanni Paolo II, edited by San Paolo. During the break, the Holy Father Benedict XVI received in audience the English Working groups C and D. This General Congregation ended at 12:30 p.m. with the prayer Angelus Domini. 212 Fathers were present. PRESENTATION OF THE SCHEME OF THE MESSAGE At the opening of the Sixteenth General Congregation intervened, for the reading of the draft of the Message (Nuntius) in the languages of the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops, in English (original language) e in the translation in Italian, French and Portuguese: in English, the President of the Commission for the Message, His. Ex. Most Rev. John Olorunfemi ONAIYEKAN, Archbishop of Abuja (NIGERIA); in Italian, His Ex. Most Rev. Giorgio BERTIN, O.F.M., Bishop of Djibouti, Apostolic Administrator "ad nutum Sanctæ Sedis" of Mogadishu (SOMALIA); in French, His Ex. Most Rev. Fidèle AGBATCHI, Archbishop of Parakou (BENIN); in Portuguese, His Ex. Most Rev. Francisco João SILOTA, M. Afr., Bishop of Chimoio, Second Vice-President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (S.E.C.A.M.) (MOZAMBIQUE). At Synodal assemblies, it has been the practice to publish a Nuntius (Message) addressed to the People of God, particularly to the various categories of persons directly associated with the Synods topic. Pastoral in nature, the Nuntius purpose is to encourage the People of God to respond faithfully to their proper vocation, and to praise them for the efforts already being made. SUFFRAGATIO PRO CONSILIO (I) After the break the first vote in electronic form took place for the election of 12 Members of the Special Council for Africa of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. In the same way as in the Ordinary General Assembly, at the end of the Special Assembly a Special Council of the General Secretariat is constituted. Like the Ordinary Councils, it is formed of 15 Members, 12 of whom are elected by the Special Assembly itself and 3 are designated by the Roman Pontiff. Members are elected to represent: 1. Association des Conférences Épiscopales de lAfrique Centrale (A.C.E.A.C.) 2. Association des Conférences Épiscopales de la Région de lAfrique Centrale (A.C.E.R.A.C.) 3. Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (A.M.E.C.E.A.) 4. Conférence Épiscopale Régionale de lAfrique de lOuest Francophone (C.E.R.A.O.)/Association of the Episcopal Conferences of Anglophone West Africa (A.E.C.A.W.A.) 5. Inter-Regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa (I.M.B.I.S.A.) 6. Assembly of the Catholic Hierarchy of Egypt(C.E.R.N.A) - Conférence Épiscopale Régionale du Nord de lAfrique - Madagascar - Conférence Épiscopale de lOcéan Indien (C.E.D.O.I) The election of the Members takes place by secret ballot and becomes legally binding when, the void votes having been subtracted, an absolute majority of voters is in favor, or, after the first unresolved ballot, a relative majority is obtained at the second. If the votes are equal, C.I.C., can. 119, 1st applies. The Members of the Special Council of the Secretary General hold office for a period of five years, at the end of which the Roman Pontiff will decide on the extension of the council and confirm this or the substitution of its Members. The Council of the Secretary General will collaborate with Secretary General is giving advice for carrying out what has been proposed by the Synod and approved by the Roman Pontiff, and on other questions assigned to it by the Roman Pontiff. The Members of the Council of the Secretary General are called together twice a year by the Secretary General as well as on any other occasion when, in the judgment of the Roman Pontiff, it is opportune. DISCUSSION ON THE SCHEME OF THE MESSAGE Then, a discussion took place on the draft of the Message, presented by the President of the Commission for the preparation of the Message. After noting the observations of the Assembly during the discussion in the Hall, the Commission for the Message prepares the definitive text which is later submitted to the Assembly for its approval. The definitive text of the Nuntius is published at the end of the synods work and is reported in the English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese Bulletin. NOTICES - BOOK UN PAPA CHE NON MUORE - CALENDAR - PRESS CONFERENCES - BRIEFING - POOLS - BULLETIN SYNODUS EPISCOPORUM - LIVE TV COVERAGE - TELEPHONE NEWS-BULLETIN - OPENING HOURS OF THE HOLY SEE PRESS OFFICE BOOK UN PAPA CHE NON MUORE A Pope who doesnt die - the inheritance of John Paul II, by Gian Franco Svidercoschi, Edizioni San Paolo, is contained between two snapshots of the death of Karol Wojtyla and recreates the Popes Polish origins, his personal history, the changes in the world he took part in and of which he was often the inspiration, the challenges of inter-religious dialogue, peace, sanctity, as it says in the foreword. The text includes contributions by Card. Stanislaw Dziwisz, Archbishop of Cracow and former Special Secretary to the Servant of God Pope John Paul II and by Prof. Andrea Riccardi, Founder of the Community of SantEgidio. It is made up of three chapters, In the sign of change, A new advent and The inheritance of John Paul II. Gian Franco Svidercoschi, born in Ascoli Piceno but of Polish origins, has been following the world of the Vatican and religion for 50 years. He was deputy editor of the Osservatore Romano. He worked with John Paul II on Gift And Mystery (LEV 1996) and with Card. Stanislaw Dziwisz on Testimony (Rizzoli 2007). Among his books, Letter To A Jewish Friend (Mondadori 1993, translated into 20 languages), Stories Of Karol - The Unknown Life of John Paul II (Ancora-Rai ERI 2001) and In Search Of the Father (San Paolo 2005). [00330-02.02] [RE000] [Original text: Italian] CALENDAR Vatican Radio and the Pontifical Council for Social Communications is promoting a series of three meetings on the theme Africa in the mass media - around the fire of the new information paradigms. The next, second, meeting will be on Saturday 17th October 2009, the third on Thursday the 22nd, in the Marconi Room at Vatican Radio, Piazza Pia, Rome. The first meeting was held on October 2nd. The reflection will start from the themes of the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops which, the organizers explain, is undoubtedly a great opportunity to speak of Africa and the problems that afflict it. A large part of these problems are linked to the question of peace that the Church has chosen, rightly, to place at the center of the Synods reflection. The meetings will be guided by Synodal Fathers, journalists and communications experts, who will help to understand better the problems that obstruct true and objective information about Africa. The hope - explain the organizers - is therefore that this opportunity will be welcomed by the media to offer information aimed at promoting the development of Africa, without removing attention from the real situation on the continent. [00327-02.02] [MMMMM] [Original text: Italian] An afternoon meeting, promoted by the Focolari Movement (Work of Mary), on the occasion of the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops. This is scheduled for Sunday, October 18th 2009, at the Most Holy Mary Infant Institute in Rome (at Via Paolo VI, 21) beginning at 3:00 p.m. The Synod Father His Exc. Mons. Antoine Ntalou, Archbishop of Garoua (Cameroon), will open the meeting; following will be Maria Voce (Emmaus), President of the Focolari Movement, who will give a Brief Introduction and the Experience of How Chiara Lubichs Charism Continues. Professor Martin Nkafu Mkemnkia (Cameroon) will speak about The presence of the Focolari Movement in Africa; Mafua Christina, Queen of Fontem of Bangwa (Cameroon) on The New Evangelization in the Bangwa Tribe and Beyond. Maria Magnolfi (South Africa) will speak about The School of Inculturation and the Life of the Gospel; representatives from the SantEgidio Community will talk about their experiences in Promoting Peace and Justice. At 4:30 p.m., various relators will talk about the African Experiences Concerning AIDS, Corruption, Family, Youth and in the field of priestly formation. The Synod Father, His Exc. Mons. Boniface Lele, Archbishop of Mombasa (Kenya) will close the meeting. Immediately afterwards, the participants will take part in the Eucharistic Concelebration with the SantEgidio Community For Peace and Justice in Africa, in the Basilica of Saint Mary in Trastevere, Rome. After the Mass, they will participate in the street party and dinner with the African Communities of Rome. [00066-02.03] [RE000] [Original text: Italian] A Eucharistic Celebration For Africa with the participation of the Synod Fathers and a Friendship with Africa Party. These are the initiatives foreseen for the Community of SantEgidio for Sunday October 18 2009, on the occasion of the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops. Holy Mass will be celebrated at 6:00 p.m. at the Basilica Santa Maria in Trastevere, in Rome. Following this, in the neighboring square, a party dedicated to the African continent. [00298-02.02] [00000] [Original text: Italian] A day dedicated to Africa in Rome on Monday 19th October 2009 on the occasion of the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops. This initiative is being promoted by Rome City Council, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican Radio, the SantEgidio Community and Hope. In the morning, starting at 9.00 in the Sala della Protomoteca at the Campidoglio, the international conference Africa: what partnership for reconciliation, justice and peace? will open. The Honorable Giovanni Alemanno, Mayor of Rome will open proceedings. He will be followed by the greeting from His Exc. Mons. Nikola Eterović, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops; by Rev. Fr. Federico Lombardi, S. J., Ex-officio Secretary of the Commission for Information of the Synod of Bishops and Director of the Holy See Press Office, Vatican Radio and the Vatican Television Center; Prof. Andrea Riccardi, Founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio. After the work will start , under the leadership of the conferences organizers, Dr. Marco Brusati, Director General of Hope and Dr. Filomeno Lopes, journalist at Vatican Radio. At 10.15 the Synodal Fathers will intervene: from South Africa, the President Delegate His Em. Card. Wilfrid Fox Napier, Archdiocese of Durban; from Nigeria, the President of the Commission for the Message His Exc. Mons. John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, Archbishop of Abuja; from Tanzania, the Member of the Commission for the Message His Em. Card. Polycarp Pengo, President of S.E.C.A.M.; from the Democratic Republic of Congo, His Exc. Mons. Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya, Archbishop of Kinshasa; from Uganda, His Exc. Mons. John Baptist Odama, Archbishop of Gulu; from Guinea-Bissau, His Exc. Mons. José Camnate Na Bissign, Bishop of Bissau. At 11.15, other interventions are expected from Dr. Modibo Traoré, Vice Director General of FAO, Dr. Otto Bitjoka, Vice President Extrabanca, His Exc. Dr. Cheikh Tidiane Gadio, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Senegal, Mons. Matteo Zuppi, Community of Sant'Egidio. This will be followed by contributions from the public. Dr. Marco Cochi, the Mayors Delegate for Cooperation will moderate. In the evening, at 21.00 in the Auditorium della Conciliazione, Africa: a cross in the middle of the sea will be performed, a recital by African artists and musicians who are striving for reconcliation in their countries. The show, described by its promotors as an evening round the fire African style, will involve artists from Guinea-Bissau, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Senegal, Somalia, Cape Verde and guests from the African diaspora from Brazil. [00297-02.03] [00000] [Original text: Italian] Reconciliation, Justice and Peace in Africa is the title of the seminar organized by the Institute of International Law of Peace and the Catholic Action International Forum (F.A.I.C.)on the occasion of the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops. The meeting will take place on Monday 19th October at 4.30pm at the Domus Mariae, Via Aurelia 481, Rome, and will be attended by Synodal Fathers and experts. The seminar will be opened with a prayer led by His Em. Mons. Domenico Sigalini, Assistant General of Catholic Action and Chaplain to the F.I.A.C. This will be followed immediately by the greeting from Franco Miano, National President of Catholic Action and President of the Management Committee of the G. Toniolo Institute, and the introduction by Giovanni Conso, President of the Scientific Council of the G. Toniolo Institute. There will be two sessions. The first Justice and Pardon will open with the paper The will for peace and pardon in African thought by Martin Nkafu Nkemnkia, teacher of African culture, religion, art and thought at the Pontifical Lateran University and the Pontifical Gregorian University and Translations Supervisor for the Bulletin of the Synodus Episcoporum. This will be followed by the contribution on Rwanda, Justice rewarded: the International Criminal Court by Paolo Benvenuti, professor of international law and President of the Faculty of Law at Rome University Tre, and Participatory and Reconciliatory Justiceby the Synodal Father His Em. Mons. Servilien Nzakamwite, Bishop of Byumba and President of the Episcopal Commission for the Apostolate of the Lay People in Rwanda. Following this, Sierra Leone will be discussed in the paper The Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the Effort of the Church, by the Synodal Father His Em. Mons. George Biguzzi S.X., Bishop of Makeni and President of the Episcopal Conference of Gambia and Sierra Leone. At 6.30pm, the second session, on Inspiring reconciliation, promoting justice, cultivating peace: peoples expectations, the role of the Church, the path of formation, with interventions from the Synodal Fathers His Em. Mons. Simon Ntamwana, Archbishop of Gitega, President of the Association of Episcopal Conferences of Central Africa (A.C.E.A.C.) and His Em. Mons. Evariste Ngoyagoye, Archbishop of Bujumbura, President of the Episcopal Commission for the Apostolate of the Lay People of Burundi. The proceedings will see the presentation of the 2010-2011 Two-Year Plan, promoted by the Toniolo Institute and the F.I.A.C. in Africa, Peace itineraries and modules for the formation of young people in peace, justice and reconciliation with sessions in Burundi and Italy, overseen by Francesco Campagna, Director of the G. Toniolo Institute and Don Salvator Niciteretse, Secretary of the Episcopal Commission for the Apostolate of the Lay People of Burundi and Coordinator of the F.I.A.C. in Africa. The meeting will be wrapped up by Emilio Inzaurraga, National Vice President of A.C. Argentina and Coordinator of the F.I.A.C. Secretariat. Also taking part will be the F.I.A.C. Youth coordinated by Chiara Finocchietti, national vice president of Italian Catholic Action which will be holding a seminar entitled Lets walk hand in hand from October 17th to 22nd. [00328-02.05] [NNNNN] [Original text: Italian] PRESS CONFERENCES The third Press Conference on the Synod works (with simultaneous translations in Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese) will be held in the John Paul II Hall of the Holy See Press Office on Friday 23 October 2009 (after the Nuntius) at approximately 12.45 pm. Speakers: - H. Exc. Mons. John Olorunfemi ONAIYEKAN, Archbishop of Abuja (NIGERIA), President of the Commission for the Message - H. Exc. Mons. Youssef Ibrahim SARRAF, Bishop of Cairo of Chaldean Rite (EGYPT), Vice President of the Commission for the Message - H. Exc. Mons. Francisco João SILOTA, M. Afr., Bishop of Chimoio, Second Vice-President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (S.E.C.A.M.) (MOZAMBIQUE), Member of the Commission for the Message The fourth Press Conference on the Synod works (with simultaneous translations in Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese) will be held in the John Paul II Hall of the Holy See Press Office on Saturday 24 October 2009 (after the Elenchus finalis propositionem) at approximately 12.45 pm. Speakers: - H. Em. Card. Peter Kodwo Appiah TURKSON, Archbishop of Cape Coast, President of the Association of the Episcopal ConferenceS of Western Africa (A.E.C.W.A.) (GHANA), Relator General - H. Exc. Mons. Damião António FRANKLIN, Archbishop of Luanda, President of the Episcopal Conference (ANGOLA), Special Secretarie - H. Exc. Mons. Edmond DJITANGAR, Bishop of Sarh (CHAD), Special Secretarie The Press Conferences are presided by Rev. F. Federico LOMBARDI, S.I., Director of the Holy See Press Office, Secretary ex-officio of the Commission for Information of the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops. For an access permit, audio-visual operators (cameramen and technicians) and photographers are requested to apply to the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. BRIEFING The tenth Briefing for linguistic groups will be held (in the places and with the Press Attaché indicated in Bulletin N.2), Saturday 17 October 2009 at approximately 13.10. The audio-visual operators (cameramen and technicians) and photographers are kindly requested to apply to the Pontifical Council for Social Communications for their entry permit (very restricted). The following briefings will take place, at approximately 13.10: - Tuesday 20 October 2009 POOLS On the following days, pools of accredited journalists will have access to the Synod Hall in general for the opening prayer of the morning General Congregations. - Tuesday 20 October 2009 - Friday 23 October 2009 - Saturday 24 October 2009 Registration lists for the pools will be available for reporters at the Information Accreditation desk of the Holy See Press Office (to the right of the entrance hall). For the pools, the photographers and TV operators are kindly requested to apply to the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. The Participants in the pools are kindly requested to meet at 8.30 am in the Press Sector which is located outside, in front of the entrance to the Paul VI Hall. From there they will be accompanied by an official of the Holy See Press Office (for reporters) and by an official of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (for photographers and TV camera teams). Suitable dress is required. BULLETIN SYNODUS EPISCOPORUM The next Bulletin n° 28 will be published on Tuesday 20 october 2009, at the conclusion of the Seventeenth General Congregation in the morning. LIVE TV COVERAGE The following events will be transmitted live on the TV monitors in the Telecommunications Room, in the Journalists Room and in the John Paul II Conference Hall of the Holy See Press Office: - Sunday 25 October 2008 (9:30 ): Solemn Concelebration of the Holy Mass at the conclusion of the Synod (Saint Peters Basilica). Any variations will be published as soon as possible. TELEPHONE NEWS-BULLETIN During the period of the Synod, a telephone news-bulletin will be available: - +39-06-698.19 for the ordinary daily Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office; - +39-06-698.84051 for the Bulletin of the Synod of Bishops - morning session; - +39-06-698.84877 for the Bulletin of the Synod of Bishops - afternoon session. OPENING HOURS OF THE HOLY SEE PRESS OFFICE During the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops, the Holy See Press Office will be open during the following hours, until 25 October 2009: - Saturday 17 October: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Sunday 18 October: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - From Monday 19 October to Saturday 24 October: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Sunday 25 October: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The staff of the Information and Accreditation Desk (to the right of the entrance hall) will be available: - Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Notice of any changes will be communicated as soon as possible and will be posted on the bulletin board in the Journalists Area of the Holy See Press Office, published in the Bulletin of the Commission for Information of the II Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops and in the Service Information area of the Internet site of the Holy See. |