Apostolic Journey to Luxembourg and Belgium (2) (26-29 September 2024)
Apostolic Journey to Luxembourg and Belgium (26-29 September 2024)
Apostolic Journey to Singapore, 2024
Apostolic Journey to Timor-Leste, 2024
Apostolic Journey to Papua New Guinea, 2024
Apostolic Journey to Indonesia, 2024
World Children's Day - 26 May 2024
GMB 2024 - Olimpic Stadium (25 May 2024)
Apostolic Journey to Marseille for the conclusion of the “Rencontres Méditerranéennes” (22-23 September 2023)
Apostolic Journey to Mongolia (31 August - 4 September 2023)
Apostolic Journey to Portugal on the occasion of the XXXVII World Youth Day (2-6 August 2023)
Apostolic Journey to Hungary (28 - 30 April 2023)
Apostolic Journey to the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan (31 January - 5 February 2022)
Apostolic Journey to the Kingdom of Bahrein (3 - 6 November 2022)
Apostolic Journey to Kazakhstan (13 - 15 September 2022)
Apostolic Journey to Canada (24-30 July 2022)
Apostolic Journey to Malta (2-3 April 2022)
Apostolic Journey to Cyprus and Greece (2-6 December 2021)
Apostolic Journey to Budapest and to Slovakia (12-15 September 2021)
Apostolic Journey to the Republic of Iraq (5-8 March 2021)
Bari 23.II.2020
Apostolic Journey to Thailand and Japan (19-26 November 2019)
Apostolic Journey of the Holy Father to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius (4 -10 September 2019)
Napoli 21.VI.2019
Camerino-San Severino Marche (16 June 2019)
Apostolic Journey to Romania (31 May - 2 June 2019)
Apostolic Journey to Bulgaria and North Macedonia (5-7 May 2019)
Apostolic Journey to Morocco (30-31 March 2019)
Visit of the Holy Father Francis to Loreto (25 March 2019)
Apostolic Journey of the Holy Father to the United Arab Emirates (3-5 February 2019)
Apostolic Journey to Panama [23-28 January 2019]
Apostolic Journey to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (22-25 September 2018)
Piazza Armerina - Palermo 15.IX.2018
Apostolic Visit of the Holy Father to Ireland on the occasion of the World Meeting of Families in Dublin (25-26 August 2018)
Visit of the Holy Father to Bari (7 July 2018)
Ecumenical Pilgrimage of His Holiness Francis to Geneva (21 June 2018)
Nomadelfia - Loppiano 10.V.2018
Alessano - Molfetta 20.IV.2018
Pietrelcina - San Giovanni Rotondo 17.III.2018
Apostolic Journey of the Holy Father to Chile and Peru (15-22 January 2018)
Apostolic Journey of the Holy Father to Myanmar and Bangladesh (26 November - 2 December 2017)
Cesena-Bologna 1.X.2017
Apostolic Journey of His Holiness Pope Francis to Colombia (6-11 September 2017)
Pilgrimage to Bozzolo and Barbiana 20.VI.2017
Genoa 27.V.2017
Fátima 12-13 May 2017
Apostolic Journey of the Holy Father to Egypt (28-29 April 2017)
Pastoral Visit to the Diocese of Carpi 2.IV.2017
Pastoral Visit of the Holy Father to the Archdiocese of Milan 25.III.2017
Apostolic Journey to Sweden (31 October - 1 November 2016)
Amatrice, Accumoli, Pescara del Tronto, Arquata del Tronto, San Pellegrino Norcia - 4.X.2016
Apostolic Journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan (30 September - 2 October 2016)
Assisi - World Day of Prayer for Peace 20.IX.2016
Santa Maria degli Angeli - Assisi 4.VIII.2016
Apostolic Journey to Poland 27-31.VII.2016
Apostolic Journey to Armenia 24-26.VI.2016
Lesvos 16.IV.2016
3rd Anniversary of Pontificate
Apostolic Journey to Mexico 12-18.II.2016
Opening of the Holy Door - Papal Basilica of St Mary Major 1.I.2016
Opening of the "Holy Door of Charity" 18.XII.2015
Opening of the Holy Door Basilica of Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls 13.XII.2015
Apertura Porta Santa S. Giovanni in Laterano 13.XII.2015
Opening of the Holy Door 8.XII.2015
Apostolic Journey to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic [25-30.XI.2015]
"Recognitio" Porta Santa San Pietro 17.XI.2015
Pastoral Visit to Prato and Florence 10.XI.2015
XIV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops [4-25 October 2015]
Apostolic Journey to Cuba, to the United States of America and Visit to the United Nations Headquarters 19-28.IX.2015
Philadelphia 26-27.IX.2015
New York 24-25.IX.2015
Washington, D.C. 22-24.IX.2015
Cuba 19-22.IX.2015
Apostolic Journey to Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay 5-13.VII.2015
Pastoral Visit to Turin (21-22 June 2015)
Sarajevo 6.VI.2015
Pastoral Visit to Pompeii and Naples 21.III.2015
Sri Lanka - Filippine 12-19.I.2015
San Giuseppe all'Aurelio 14.XII.2014
Turchia 28-30.XI.2014
Strasburgo 25.XI.2014
FAO 20.XI.2014
Veglia di preghiera in preparazione al Sinodo sulla famiglia 4.X.2014
Tirana 21.IX.2014
Sacrario Militare di Redipuglia 13.IX.2014
Sportivi e Promotori della Partita di calcio interreligiosa per la pace 1.IX.2014
Repubblica di Corea 13-18.VIII.2014
Visita privata a Caserta 28.VII.2014
Caserta 26.VII.2014
Molise 5.VII.2014
Cassano allo Jonio 21.VI.2014
Visita alla Comunità di Sant'Egidio 15.VI.2014
Invocazione per la pace 8.VI.2014
Incontro con la Scuola Italiana
Ordinazione Episcopale di S.E. Mons. Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, L.C. 15.XI.2013
Visita al Presidente della Repubblica Italiana - Palazzo del Quirinale 14.XI.2013
Giornata della Famiglia 27.X.2013
Concistoro per alcune cause di Canonizzazione 30.IX.2013
Consacrazione SCV a San Giuseppe e San Michele Arcangelo, 5.VII.2013
GMG 2013 Rio de Janeiro
Lampedusa 8.VII.2013
Professione di fede con i Vescovi della CEI
Ingresso Conclave 12.III.2013
Giuramento Conclave 11.III.2013
Congregazioni Generali dei Cardinali 6.III.2013
Conclave 13.III.2013
S.Agnese 21.I.2013
Taizé 29.XII.2012
Gente dello Spettacolo Viaggiante
Grotte Vaticane 2 novembre 2012
500° Cappella Sistina
Chiusura Sinodo 2012
Premio Ratzinger 2012
Fiaccolata Anno della Fede
Annus Fidei 2012
Apertura Sinodo 2012
Loreto 2012
Libano 2012
Visita Apostolica