Year One: Jesus Christ
Lord Jesus, who are the fullness of time and the Lord of history, prepare our minds to celebrate with faith the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, that it may be a year of grace and mercy. Give us a pure and simple heart, that we may contemplate with ever renewed wonder the mystery of the Incarnation when you, the Son of God, in the womb of the Virgin, sanctuary of the Spirit, became our brother.
(Praise and glory to you, O Christ, today and for ever).
Jesus, the beginning and fulfilment of the new man, convert our hearts so that, abandoning the ways of error, we may walk in your footsteps on the path which leads to life. Make us live our faith steadfastly, fulfilling our baptismal promises, testifying with conviction to your word, that the life-giving light of the Gospel may shine in our families and in society.
(Praise and glory to you, O Christ, today and for ever).
Jesus, power and wisdom of God, inspire in us a love for Sacred Scripture in which is heard the voice of the Father which enlightens, inflames, nourishes and consoles. Word of the living God, renew missionary zeal in the Church, that all peoples may come to know you, true Son of God and true son of man, the one mediator between man and God.
(Praise and glory to you, O Christ, today and for ever).
Jesus, fount of unity and peace, strengthen communion in your Church. Give fresh impulse to the ecumenical movement, that all your disciples may become one by the power of the Holy Spirit. You who gave us as the rule of life the new commandment of love, make us builders of a world that is united, in which war is conquered by peace and the culture of death by a zeal for life.
(Praise and glory to you, O Christ, today and for ever).
Jesus, only-begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth, the light which illumines every person, give the abundance of your life to all who seek you with a sincere heart. To you, man's Redeemer, the beginning and the end of time and of the universe, to the Father, unending source of all good, and to the Holy Spirit, seal of infinite love, be all honour and glory, now and for ever. Amen.
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