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The promotion of integral human development at the material and moral level requires a profound reflection on the vocation of the economic and financial sectors, as well as on how they correspond with its ultimate aim of achieving the common good.
For this reason in conformity with its nature and mission the Holy See is participating in the efforts of the international community that aim to protect and promote the integrity, permanence and transparency of the economic and financial sectors and to prevent and to counter illegal activities.
Pursuant to the steps already taken by my Predecessor Benedict XVI in this area with the Motu Proprio of 30 December 2010 for preventing and countering illegal activities in the area of monetary and financial dealings, I wish to renew the Holy See’s commitment to adopting the principles and juridical instruments developed by the international community, bringing further into line with them institutional structures for the prevention and countering of money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. With this Apostolic Letter in the form of a Motu Proprio I adopt the following measures:
The dicasteries of the Roman Curia and other institutes and entities dependent on the Holy See, as well as non-profit organizations that enjoy juridical personality in canon law and are based in Vatican City State, are bound to observe the laws of Vatican City State with regard to:
a) measures for the prevention and countering of money laundering and the financing of terrorism;
b) measures against those who threaten international peace and security;
c) prudential supervision of entities habitually engaged in a professional financial activity.
The Financial Information Authority exercises the prudential role of the supervision and regulation of entities that are professionally engaged in a financial activity.
The competent judicial bodies of Vatican City State exercise jurisdiction in the above-mentioned issues also with regard to the dicasteries and other entities and institutions dependent on the Holy See, as well as to those non-profit organizations which have juridical personality in canon law and are based in Vatican City State.
The Financial Security Committee is established for the purpose of coordinating the competent authorities of the Holy See and of Vatican City State for the prevention and countering of money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It is disciplined by the Statutes appended to this Apostolic Letter.
I establish that this Apostolic Letter in the form of a Motu Proprio be published in L’Osservatore Romano.
I dispose that everything which has been established have full and permanent value as from 10 August 2013, abrogating in addition any incompatible measures.
Given in Rome at the Apostolic Palace on 8 August of the year 2013, the first of the Pontificate
8 August 2013
Article 1 -Composition.
1. The Financial Security Committee is composed of:
a) the Assessor for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State, who is the Chair;
b) the Under-Secretary for Relations with States;
c) the Secretary of the Prefecture for Economic Affairs;
d) the Vice-Secretary General of the Governorate;
e) the Promoter of Justice at the Court of the State of Vatican City;
f) the Director of the Financial Intelligence Authority;
g) the Director of the Security Services and Civil Protection of the Governorate.
Article 2 -Functions.
The Financial Security Committee:
a) establishes criteria and procedures for the assessment of risks relating to money laundering and financing of terrorism and proliferation of weapons of massdestruction;
b) approves the general risk assessment and regularly updates it;
c) identifies the measures needed for the management and control of risks;
d) coordinates the adoption and regular updating of policies and procedures for the prevention and combating of money laundering, financing of terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;
e) promotes the active cooperation and exchange of information between the competent Authorities of the Holy See and the Vatican City State;
f) ensures appropriate information to interested bodies on the identified risks;
g) adopts procedures and internal guidelines;
h) asks for information to the authorities and entities operating within the Holy See and the Vatican City State;
i) demands studies and advice from external experts.
Article 3 – Meetings.
1. The Financial Security Committee is convened by the Chairman, usually every four months, and whenever deemed necessary.
2. In the absence of the President meetings are chaired by the Under-Secretary for Relations with States.
3. The President shall set the Agenda of the meeting, coordinate the work and ensure that adequate information on the matters specified in the Agenda is provided to all members.
4. The notice of meeting containing the Agenda, is sent to the Members normally five days before the date set for the Meeting. In urgent cases, the notice is made at least one day prior to the meeting by fax, electronic mail or other means of immediate communication.
5. The deliberations of the Financial Security Committee are approved per consensus.
6. The role of Secretary is held by the Director of the Financial Intelligence Authority.
7. The President may invite to attend the meetings of the Committee of experts and technicians in the areas of competence.
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