
Apostolic Letters 1961

  • "Il religioso convegno" appealing for the recitation of the Rosary for peace among the Nations (September 29, 1961)

    [ Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Quotiescumque nobis establishing the Sacred Hierarchy in the Island of Formosa (June 29, 1961)

    [ Latin  - Spanish ]

  • Celebrandi Concilii Oecumenici: special supplications on the Solemnity of Pentecost for the Ecumenical Council (April 11, 1961)

    [ Latin  - Spanish ]

  • Sacrarum expeditionum establishing the Sacred Hierarchy in Indonesia (March 20, 1961)

    [ Latin  - Spanish ]

  • Le Voci for the protection of St Joseph on the Second Vatican Council (March 19, 1961)

    [ Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Iam in Pontificatus establishing the Sacred Hierarchy in Vietnam (January 14, 1961)

    [ Latin  - Spanish ]