
Speeches 1984 January

  • To a group of Lebanese deputies (January 10, 1984)

    [ French  - Italian  - Portuguese ]

  • To the new Ambassador of Senegal to the Holy See (January 9, 1984)

    [ French  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • To members of the Presidency of the Circolo San Pietro (January 7, 1984)

    [ Italian  - Portuguese ]

  • To youth movement of Coldiretti (January 7, 1984)

    [ Italian  - Portuguese ]

  • To the new Ambassador of Burundi to the Holy See (January 5, 1984)

    [ French  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Appeal for the liberation of abducted people (January 4, 1984)

    [ Italian ]

  • On the 30th anniversary of the Italian Television (RAI) (January 4, 1984)

    [ Italian  - Portuguese ]

  • To the Schönstatt Movement (January 2, 1984)

    [ German  - Italian  - Portuguese ]