مراسلات رسائل بابوية 2024

  • Message of the Holy Father to those participating in the Conference on the social use of the property confiscated from the mafia, organized by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences [19-20 September 2024] (19 September 2024)

    [ English  - Italian  - Spanish ]

  • Message of the Holy Father on the occasion of the presentation of the book "Past, Present, and Future of Transitional Justice" [Tenerife, 19 September 2024] (22 August 2024)

    [ English  - Italian  - Spanish ]

  • Video message of the Holy Father for the Mediterranean Meeting (MED24) [Tirana, 15-20 September 2024] [17 September 2024]

    [ English  - French  - Italian ]

  • Message of the Holy Father to participants in the International Meeting for Peace organized by the Community of Sant’Egidio [22-24 September 2024] (17 September 2024)

    [ English  - French  - Italian ]

  • Video message of the Holy Father to mark the opening of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC2024) [Quito (Ecuador), 8-15 September 2024], 8 September 2024

    [ English  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Message of the Holy Father to the Youth of the Amalfi Coast on the occasion of the Meeting “Instruments of Peace” in Scala (Salerno), 30 August 2024

    [ English  - Italian  - Spanish ]

  • Message of His Holiness Pope Francis, signed by the Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, on the occasion of the 74th National Liturgical Week [Modena, 26-29 August 2024], 21 August 2024

    [ English  - German  - Italian  - Spanish ]

  • Message of the Holy Father to the participants in the European Forum Alpbach, 21 August 2024

    [ English  - French  - German  - Italian  - Portuguese ]

  • Message of the Holy Father for the National Eucharistic Congress in Madagascar, 3 August 2024

    [ English  - French ]

  • Message of the Holy Father to the Catholic Guide and Scout Association of Italy (AGESCI), 1st August 2024

    [ English  - Italian ]

  • Message of His Holiness Pope Francis, signed by the Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, on the occasion of the 45th Meeting for Friendship among Peoples [Rimini, 20-25 August 2024], 19 July 2024

    [ English  - Italian  - Portuguese ]

  • Message of the Holy Father to mark the XVII Inter-Christian Symposium, 17 July 2024

    [ English  - French  - Italian ]

  • Message of the Holy Father to the Participants in the “AI Ethics for Peace” Gathering - Hiroshima, 9-10 July 2024, 10 July 2024

    [ English  - French  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Message of the Holy Father on the occasion of the IV Centenary of the discovery of the Relics of Saint Rosalia, 29 June 2024

    [ English  - Italian ]

  • Message of the Holy Father to mark the 1500th anniversary of the cult of the venerated image of Saint Mary in Portico (Romanae Portus Securitatis), 29 June 2024

    [ English  - French  - German  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Message of the Holy Father to the participants in the Youth Festival (Mladifest) [Medjugorje, 1 - 6 August 2024], 29 June 2024

    [ English  - French  - German  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Message of the Holy Father for the Olympic Games, 27 June 2024

    [ English  - French  - German  - Italian  - Polish  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Message of the Holy Father to the Participants in the XXV International Meeting of Columban Associations, “Columban’s Day 2024” [Piacenza, 22-23 June 2024] (11 June 2024)

    [ English  - French  - Italian ]

  • Message of the Holy Father on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings, 5 June 2024

    [ English  - French  - Italian  - Spanish ]

  • Message of the Holy Father for the 103rd German Catholic Convention (Katholikentag) [Erfurt, 29 May-2 June 2024], 29 May 2024

    [ English  - German  - Italian ]