Note: The doctrinal documents of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are presented in reverse chronological order. Each text is given with its title in Italian or English, followed by the official title (usually in Latin) in parentheses, and the date of publication.
The next line, in bold typeface, provides references to official collections and editions (for example,
Acta Apostolicae Sedis) and the final line gives references to unofficial collections and editions in various languages.
List of abbreviations
Statement About the Alleged Apparitions and Revelations Reported by Mrs. Gisella Cardia (born Maria Giuseppa Scarpulla) and by Mr. Gianni Cardia (27 June 2024)
- Regulations of the Special Judging Board established for the examination of appeals to the Ordinary Session of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1st October 2018)
- Instruction Ad resurgendum cum Christo regarding the burial of the deceasedand the conservation of the ashes in the case of cremation, 15 August 2016
[Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Ukrainian]
Note on the banalization of sexuality. Regarding certain interpretations of "Light of the World", 22 December 2010 OR 22.12.2010, p. 7. [Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish]
- Normae de delictis Congregationi pro Doctrina Fidei reservatis seu Normae de delictis contra fidem necnon de gravioribus delictis, 21 May 2010
AAS 102 (2010) 419-434
Rescriptum ex audientia SS.mi (6 December 2019) [English, German, Italian, Spanish]
Rescriptum ex audientia SS.mi (3 December 2019) [English, German, Italian, Spanish]
- Rescriptum ex Audientia
AAS 102 (2010) 419 [Latin]
- Norms
AAS 102 (2010) 419-430 Communicationes 42 (2010) 333-344 [Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish]
- Letter to the bishops of the Catholic Church and to the Ordinaries and Hierarchs, regarding the modifications introduced in the Normae de gravioribus delictis, 21 May 2010
AAS 102 (2010) 431 Communicationes 42 (2010) 345 [Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
- The norms of the Motu Proprio “Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela” (2001): Historical introduction
Communicationes 42 (2010) 349-353 [Czech, English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak]
- A brief introduction to the modifications made in the Normae de gravioribus delictis, reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
AAS 102 (2010) 432-434 Communicationes 42 (2010) 346-348 [Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
- The significance of the publication of the new "Norms concerning the most serious crimes". Note by Fr. F. Lombardi
[English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
Complementary Norms for the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus , November 4, 2009 OR, 9-10.11.2009, p. 7. [Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish]
Clarification on procured abortion, July 11, 2009 OR 11.07.2009, p. 7. [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish]
Instruction Dignitas Personae on Certain Bioethical Questions (Instructio de quibusdam scientiae bioëthicae quaestionibus), September 8, 2008 AAS 100 (2008) 858-887; DeS 24 (2010) [Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
Doctrinal Note on some Aspects of Evangelization (Nota Doctrinalis de quibusdam rationibus evangelizationis), December 3, 2007 AAS 100 (2008) 489-504; DeS 23 (2009) OR 15.12.2007, p. 45; Communicationes 39 (2007) 204-213 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish]
Responses to Certain Questions of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Concerning Artificial Nutrition and Hydration (Responsa ad quaestiones ab Episcopali Conferentia Foederatorum Americae Statuum propositas circa cibum et potum artificialiter praebenda), August 1, 2007 AAS 99 (2007) 820-821 OR 15.9.2007, p. 1; Communicationes 39 (2007) 138 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
Responses to Some Questions Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine on the Church (Responsa ad quaestiones de aliquibus sententiis ad doctrinam de Ecclesia pertinentibus), June 29, 2007 AAS 99 (2007) 604-608; DeS 25 (2011) OR 11.7.2007, p. 4; Notitiae 43 (2007) 385-397; Communicationes 39 (2007) 193-197 [Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
Rescriptum ex audientia SS.mi (6 May 2005)
- Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the collaboration of men and women in the Church and in the world
(Epistula de mutuis relationibus inter viros et mulieres), May 31, 2004 AAS 96 (2004) 671-687; DeS 21 (2008); DOCUMENTA 103 OR 1.08.2004, supplemento [Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Considerations regarding proposals to give legal recognition to unions between homosexual persons (June 3, 2003)
OR 1.08.2003, p. 4; Communicationes 35 (2003) 214-223 [English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish]
- Rescriptum ex audientia SS.mi (14 February 2003)
W.H. WOESTMAN, Ecclesiastical Sanctions and the Penal Process. A Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, Ottawa ²2003, 315-316; Ius Ecclesiae 16 (2004) 321.
- Rescriptum ex audientia SS.mi (7 February 2003)
W.H. WOESTMAN, Ecclesiastical Sanctions and the Penal Process. A Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, Ottawa ²2003, 315-316; Ius Ecclesiae 16 (2004) 321.
- Response to a ‘Dubium’ on the validity of Baptism conferred in the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints called Mormons
(Responsum ad propositum dubium de validitate baptismatis apud communitatem «The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints»), June 5, 2001 AAS 93 (2001) 476 OR16-17.07.2001; Communicationes 33 (2001) 162; RegnoDoc 17/2001, 542-544 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Norms on the preparation of the process for the dissolution of the marriage bond in favour of the faith
(Normae de conficiendo processu pro solutione vinculi matrimonialis in favorem fidei), 30 April 2001 Typis Vaticanis, 2001 [Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Summarium (cf. art. 25 § 1 Normae)
[English, French, German, Italian, Spanish]
Summarium - attachment [English, French, German, Italian, Spanish]
Cautiones (cf. art. 5 Normae) [English, French, German, Italian, Spanish]
Notes regarding documentary and procedural aspects of favour of the faith cases [English, French, German, Italian, Spanish]
- Notification regarding certain writings of Fr. Marciano Vidal, C.Ss.R.
(Notificatio super quibusdam scriptis Marciani Vidal), February 22, 2001 AAS 93 (2001) 545-555 OR 16.5.2001, 6 [Ital.];OREsp 18.5.2001,17-18 [Hisp.];ORFr 22.5.2001,8-9 [Gall.];ORIngl 23.5.2001,8-9 [Angl.];ORDe 25.5.2001, 9-10 [Germ.];ORPort 26.5.2001,16-17 [Lusit.]; RegnoDoc 13/2001, 423-436 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Notification on the book Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism by Fr. Jacques Dupuis, S.J., January 24, 2001
DeS 18 (2002); DOCUMENTA 93 OR 26-27.2.2001, p. 11.; Origins 30 (2001) 605-608. cf. Origins 30 (2001) 656-659. [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Notification on some of the publications of Professor Dr Reinhard Messner,
(Notifikation bezüglich einiger Veröffentlichungen von Professor Dr. Reinhard Meßner), November 30, 2000 AAS 93 (2001) 385-403 OR 06.12.2000, 4-5 [Germ./Ital.]; RegnoDoc 13/2001, 437-440 [English, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Instruction on prayers for healing – Ardens felicitatis
(Instructio de orationibus ad obtinendam a Deo sanationem), September 14, 2000 OR 24.11.2000, 6-7 [Lat./Ital.]; Notitiae 37 (2001) 20-65 [Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish]
- Declaration on the unicity and salvific universality of Jesus Christ and the Church – Dominus Iesus
(Declaratio de Iesu Christi atque Ecclesiae unicitate et universalitate salvifica), August 6, 2000 AAS 92 (2000) 742-765; DeS 18 (2002); DOCUMENTA 90 OR 6.9.2000, 6-8 [Lat.][Vers. Italica cfr. Insertum Tabloid]; Notitiae 36 (2000) 400-468; BollSalaSt 5/09/2000; CivCat 151 (2000) 4, 54-76 [Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish]
- Press Conference for the presentation of the Declaration Dominus Iesus, September 5, 2000
- H.Em Card. Joseph Ratzinger
- H.E. Msgr. Tarcisio Bertone
- Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz
- Rev. Angelo Amato, S.D.B
- Note on the expression Sister Churches, June 30, 2000
OR 28.10.2000, p. 6; Notitiae 36 (2000) 336-350; Origins 30 (200) 222-224 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Documents regarding "The Message of Fatima", June 26, 2000
OR 26-27.6.2000 [Insertum Tabloid]; BollSalaSt 26/06/2000; CivCat 151 (2000) 3, 165-179 [English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration on the "Clandestine Church" in the Czech Republic, February 11, 2000
Boll Sala St 11/02/2000; RegnoDoc 5/2000, 166-167 [Czech, Italian]
- Notification regarding Sister Jeannine Gramick, SSND, and Father Robert Nugent, SDS, May 31, 1999
AAS 91 (1999) 821-825 OR 14.07.1999, 7; Origins 29.07.1999, vol. 29, 133-136 [English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Considerations on The Primacy of the Successor of Peter in the mystery of the Church, October 31, 1998
DeS 19 (2002); DOCUMENTA 87 OR 31.10.1998, 7; Communicationes 30 (1998) 207-216; DocCath 95 (1998) 1016-1020; EV 17, 1197-1207; Origins 28 (1999) 560-563. [English, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Formula to be used for the profession of faith and for the oath of fidelity to assume an office to be exercised in the name of the Church with the Illustrative doctrinal Note of the conclusive formula of “Professio fidei”
(Professio fidei et Iusiurandum fidelitatis in suscipiendo officio nomine Ecclesiae exercendo una cum nota doctrinali adnexa), June 29, 1998 AAS 90 (1998) 542-551 OR 30.6-1.7.1998, pp.4-5; Notitiae 35 (1998) 44-82; CivCat 149 (1998) 3, 174-183; Communicationes 30 (1998) 42-49 [= Nota doctrinalis]; DocCath 95 (1998) 653-657; EV 17, 848-875; Origins 28 (1998) 163-164 [Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Notification concerning the writings of Father Anthony De Mello, S.J.
(Notificatio circa scripta Patris Antonii De Mello, S.I.), June 24, 1998 AAS 90 (1998) 833-834 EV 17, 730-743 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish]
- Notification concerning the text Mary and Human Liberation by Father Tissa Balasuriya, January 2, 1997
OR 5.1.1997, 2; EV 16, 3-9; LE 5576; Origins vol. 26, 528-530; DocCath 94 (1997) 175-177 [Gall.] [German, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Responsum ad propositum dubium concerning the teaching contained in “Ordinatio Sacerdotalis”
(Responsum ad dubium circa doctrinam in Epist. Ap.“Ordinatio Sacerdotalis” traditam), October 28, 1995 AAS 87 (1995) 1114 OR 19.11.1995, 2; Notitiae 31 (1995) 610-611; Communicationes 27 (1995) 212; EV 14, 1958-1961; LE 5622; Doc. Cath. 92 (1995) 1079-1081 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- The reception of the Holy Communion by the divorced and remarried members of the faithful (1994) – Annus Internationalis Familiae
(Epistola ad Catholicae Ecclesiae Episcopos de receptione communionis eucharisticae a fidelibus qui post divortium novas inierunt nuptias), September 14, 1994 AAS 86 (1994) 974-979 OR 15.10.1994; Notitiae 30 (1994) 547-554; Communicationes 26 (1994) 163-168;CivCat 145 (1994) 4, 271-275; DocCath 91 (1994) 930-932; LE 5579; Dokumenty, II, 33 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Responses to questions proposed concerning uterine isolation and related matters
(Responsa ad proposita dubia circa «interclusionem uteri» et alias quaestiones), July 31, 1993 AAS 86 (1994) 820-821 Communicationes 26 (1994) 169-170; DocCath 91 (1994) 877; LE 5520; Dokumenty, II, 32 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Notification on the validity of Baptism conferred in the The New Church
(Notificatio de validitate baptismatis apud «The New Church» confessionem collati), November 20, 1992 AAS 85 (1993) 179 Communicationes 25 (1993) 34; EV 13, 1068-1069; LE 5490; Dokumenty, II, 26 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Some considerations concerning the response to legislative proposals on the non-discrimination of homosexual persons, July 23, 1992
DeS 11 (1995) OR 24.7.1992, 4; EV 13, 992-997; LE 5479; Dokumenty, II, 31; DocCath 89 (1992) 783-785 [Gall.] [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Decree on the doctrine and customs of the Association Opus Angelorum
(Decretum de doctrina et usibus particularibus consociationis cui nomen «Opus Angelorum»), June 6, 1992 AAS 84 (1992) 805-806 EV 13, 978-983; LE 5475; Dokumenty, II, 30; DocCath 89 (1992) 741-742 [Gall.] [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on some aspects of the Church understood as Communion – Communionis notio
(Litterae ad Catholicae Ecclesiae episcopos de aliquibus aspectibus Ecclesiae prout est communio), May 28, 1992 AAS 85 (1993) 838-850; DeS 15 (1994) Notitiae 29 (1992) 464-471; EV 13, 926-953; LE 5472; Dokumenty, II, 29 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Instruction on some aspects of the use of the instruments of social communication in promoting the doctrine of the faith – The Second Vatican Council, March 30, 1992
DeS 22 (2009); DOCUMENTA 74 Communicationes 24 (1992) 18-27; EV 13, 865-876; LE 5460; Dokumenty, II, 28; Origins 22 (1992) 92-96. [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Note on the book The Sexual Creators, An Ethical proposal for Concerned Christians (University Press of America, Lanham-New York-London 1986) by Fr. André Guindon, O.M.I., January 31, 1992
OR 31.1.1992; EV 13, 432-444; LE 5449; Dokumenty, II, 27 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Instruction on the ecclesial vocation of the theologian – Donum veritatis
(Instructio de Ecclesiali Theologi vocatione), May 24, 1990 AAS 82 (1990) 1550-1570; DeS 14 (1993) OR 27.6.1990; CivCat 141 (1990) 3, 150-167; EV 12, 188-233; LE 5392; Dokumenty, II, 25 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on some aspects of Christian Meditation – Orationis formas
(Epistula ad totius Catholicae Ecclesiae Episcopos de quibusdam rationibus christianae meditationis), October 15, 1989 AAS 82 (1990) 362-379; DeS 13 (1991) OR 15.12.1989 [Ital.]; Notitiae 26 (1990) 43-46; DocCath 87 (1990) 16-22 [Gall.]; EV 11, 1668-1705; LE 5360; Dokumenty, II, 24 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Observations on ARCIC II's "Salvation and the Church", November 18, 1988
OR 28.11.1988 [Angl.]; BollSalaSt n. 480/88, 19.11.1988, p. 1-3, 4-14 [Ital.]; OR 20.11.1988, p. 8; Origins 15.12 (1988) 429-434; EV 11, 944-969; LE 5304; Dokumenty, II, 21; DocCath 86 (1989) 69-73 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Decree regarding the excommunication of those who divulge confessions (Decretum de sacramenti Paenitentiae dignitate tuenda), September 23, 1988
AAS 80 (1988) 1367 Communicationes 21 (1989) 112; DocCath 86 (1989) 214 [Gall.]; EV 11, 844-845; LE 5293; Dokumenty, II, 20 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Formula to be used for the profession of faith and for the oath of fidelity to assume an office to be exercised in the name of the Church
(Professio fidei et Iusiurandum fidelitatis in suscipiendo officio nomine Ecclesiae exercendo), July 1st, 1988 AAS 81 (1989) 104-106 (cfr. Rescriptum ex Audientia, p. 1169) OR 25.2.1989, 6; Notitiae 25 (1989) 319-329; Communicationes 21 (1989) 32-34.113; LE 5284.5355; EV 11, 683-691; Notiziario CEI (1990) 7, 179-182; Regno-Doc. 34 (1989) 200; Dokumenty, II, 22-23 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish]
- Rescriptum ex Audientia, 19 September 1989
AAS 81 (1989) 1169 [Italian]
- Doctrinal considerations (Umberto Betti, O.F.M.)
Notitiae 25 (1989) 321-325
- Instruction on respect for human life in its origin and on the dignity of procreation – Donum vitae
(Instructio de observantia erga vitam humanam nascentem deque procreationis dignitate tuenda. Responsiones ad quasdam quaestiones nostris temporibus agitatas), February 22, 1987 AAS 80 (1988) 70-102; DeS 12 (1990) OR 11.3.1987; CivCat 138 (1987) 1, 561-586; Communicationes 19 (1987) 9-11 [Pars de ethica et de iuribus civilibus]; EV 10, 818-893; LE 5218; Dokumenty, II, 19 [English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- On the doctrinal authority of the Instruction Donum Vitae, 21 December 1988
OR 21.12.1988, pp. 1-2; EV 10, 818-823 [German, Italian, Spanish]
- Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons – Homosexualitatis problema
(Epistula de pastorali personarum homosexualium cura), October 1st, 1986 AAS 79 (1987) 543-554; DeS 11 (1995) OR 31.10.1986, 5 [Ital.];CivCat 137 (1986) 4, 367-376; EV 10, 666-693; LE 5206; Dokumenty, II, 18 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Notification on the book Pleidooi voor mensen in de kerk. Christelijke identiteit en ambten in de kerk (Nelissen, Baarn 1985) by Professor Edward Schillebeeckx, O.P., September 15, 1986
AAS 79 (1987) 221-223 OR 24.9.1986, 1; 5 [Ital.]; CivCat 137 (1986) 4, 591-592; DocCath 83 (1986) 1034-1035 [Gall.]; EV 10, 660-665; Dokumenty, II, 17 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Letter regarding the suspension of Father Carlo Curran from the teaching of Theology
(Epistula R. D. Carlo Curran, Vasingtoniae degenti, missa), July 25, 1986 AAS 79 (1987) 116-118 Origins 16 (1986) 201.203 [Angl.]; OR 20.8.1986, 2 [Ital.];CivCat 137 (1986) 4, 587-588; Communicationes 18 (1986) 276-278 [Ital.]; DocCath 83 (1986) 854-855 [Gall.]; LE 5200; Dokumenty, II, 16 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Instruction on Christian freedom and liberation – Libertatis conscientia
(Instructio de libertate christiana et liberatione), March 22, 1986 AAS 79 (1987) 554-599 OR 6.4.1986, 1.4; CivCat 137 (1986) 2, 146-185; Communicationes 18 (1986) 48-53 [n. 71 usque ad n. 80]; DocCath 83 (1986) 393-411; EV 10, 118-239;LE 5184; Dokumenty, II, 15 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Letter Inde Ab Aliquot Annis to Ordinaries regarding norms on Exorcism
Epistula Ordinariis locorum missa: in mentem normae vigentes de exorcismis revocantur), September 29, 1985 AAS 77 (1985) 1169-1170 Communicationes 18 (1986) 46-47; DocCath 83 (1986) 197 [Gall.]; EV 9, 1614-1617; LE 5143; Dokumenty, II, 14 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Notification on the Book "Church: Charism and Power. Essay on Militant Ecclesiology" by Father Leonardo Boff, O.F.M., March 11, 1985
AAS 77 (1985) 756-762; DOCUMENTA 58 OR 20/21.3.1985, 1-2;DocCath 82 (1985) 484-485; EV 9, 1384-1391; LE 5108; Dokumenty, II, 13 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Instruction on certain aspects of the "Theology of Liberation" – Libertatis nuntius
(Instructio de quibusdam rationibus «Theologiae Liberationis»), August 6, 1984 AAS 76 (1984) 876-909; DOCUMENTA 57 OR 3/4.91984, 1-2.4; CivCat 135 (1984) 4, 47-68; DocCath 81 (1984) 890-900; EV 9, 866-927; LE 5072; Dokumenty, II, 12 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Letter to Father Edward Schillebeeckx regarding his book Kerkelijk Ambt («The ministry in the Church», 1980), June 13, 1984
AAS 77 (1985) 994-997; DOCUMENTA 56 OR 11.1.1985, 2; DocCath 82 (1985) 237-238; EV 9, 828-837; LE 5064; Dokumenty, II, 11 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Decisions regarding the translation of the phrase “Carnis resurrectionem” in the Apostles’ Creed, December 14, 1983
DOCUMENTA 55; DeS 5 (2000) Notitiae 20 (1984) 212, pp.180-181; DocCath 81 (1984) 850 [Gall.]; EV 9, 494-496; LE 5022; Dokumenty, II, 10 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration on Masonic Associations
(Declaratio de associationibus massonicis), November 26, 1983 AAS 76 (1984) 300; DOCUMENTA 54 OR 27.11.1983 [Lat./Ital.]; CivCat 135 (1984) 1, 393; Communicationes 15 (1983) 160;DocCath 81 (1984) 29; EV 9, 481-487; LE 5011; Dokumenty, II, 9 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Letter to His Eminence, Cardinal Joseph Höffner, Archbishop of Cologne, regarding the “Opera degli angeli (Work of the angels)”
(Epistula Em.mo ac Rev.mo Domino Iosepho Card. Höffner, Archiepiscopo Colonien., missa: De peracto examine circa “Opus Angelorum”), September 24, 1983 AAS 76 (1984) 175-176; DOCUMENTA 53 EV 9, 408-411; LE 5000; Dokumenty, II, 8 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Spanish]
- Letter Letter to Bishops of the Catholic Church on Certain Questions Concerning the Minister of the Eucharist - Sacerdotium ministeriale
(Epistola ad Ecclesiae Catholicae Episcopos de quibusdam quaestionibus ad Eucharistiae ministrum spectantibus), August 6, 1983 AAS 75 (1983) 1001-1009; DOCUMENTA 52 OR 9.9.1983, 4 [Ital.]; Communicationes 15 (1983) 153-159; DocCath 80 (1983) 885-887 [Gall.]; EV 9, 346-361; LE 4993; Dokumenty, II, 7 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Replies to questions on the interpretation of the decree Ecclesiae Pastorum
(Responsa ad proposita dubia de interpretatione decreti «Ecclesiae Pastorum»), July 7, 1983 AAS 76 (1984) 45-52; DOCUMENTA 51 OR 29.10.1983, 2; DocCath 80 (1983) 1074 [Gall.]; EV 9, 336-345 [Ital./Gall]; LE 4991; Dokumenty, II, 6 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Notification regarding Rev. Georges de Nantes
(Notification à propos de l’abbé Georges de Nantes), May 13, 1983 DOCUMENTA 50 OR 16/17.5.1983, 2; DocCath 80 (1983) 619; EV 9, 160-163;Dokumenty, II, 5 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Notification regarding the canonical penalties incurred by His Excellency Mons. Pierre Martin Ngô-dinh-Thuc and other completely illicit ordinations
(Notificatio qua poenae canonicae Episcopis qui illicite alios episcopos ordinaverunt illisque hoc modo illegitimo ordinatis denuo comminantur), March 12, 1983 AAS 75 (1983) 392-393; DOCUMENTA 49 OR 8.4.1983, 1; DocCath 80 (1983) 618-619 [Gall.]; EV 9, 114-119; LE 4960; Dokumenty, II, 4 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Responses regarding the Eucharistic communication of the celebrant “by intinction” and of the faithful only under the species of wine
(Responsa ad proposita dubia de celebrantis communione «per intinctionem» et fidelium communione sub sola specie vini), October 29, 1982 AAS 74 (1982) 1298-1299; DOCUMENTA 48 LE 4932; Dokumenty, II, 3 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Observations on the final report of ARCIC
(Animadversiones quas Sacra Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei, de mandato SS.mi super enuntiatis ultimis Commissionis vulgo ARCIC cognominatae, de Eucharistica doctrina, de sacris Ordinibus atque de subiecto auctoritatis in Ecclesia, exaravit et omnibus Conferentiis Episcoporum die 2 Aprilis transmisit), March 27, 1982 AAS 74 (1982) 1062-1074; DOCUMENTA 47 OR 6.5.1982, 2; Notitiae 18 (1982) 231-234; DocCath 79 (1982) 508-512.531; EV 8, 122-151; Regno-Doc 11/1982, 328-332; LE 4902; Dokumenty, II, 2 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish]
- Letter to H.E. Msgr. Alan C. Clark regarding the final report of ARCIC
(Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission) (Epistula quam Praefectus Sacrae Congregationis pro Doctrina Fidei Em.mus P.D. Iosephus Cardinalis Ratzinger, ob editam relationem finalem a Commissione, cui vulgo nome “Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission” [ARCIC], compraesidi eiusdem Commissionis, R.P.D. Alano C. Clark, episcopo Angliae Orientalis, die 27 martii 1982 scripsit), March 27, 1982 AAS 74 (1982) 1060-1074; DOCUMENTA 46 OR 31.3.1982, 2; DocCath 79 (1982) 507-508; EV 8, 120-123; LE 4902; Dokumenty, II, 1 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Lettera al Segretario della S. Congregazione per i religiosi e gli istituti secolari circa il Dicastero competente per la concessione di indulti per poter celebrare la Messa con mosto di vino in casi speciali, September 22, 1981
Commentarium pro religiosis 63 (1982) 167-168; EV S1, 760-762; LE 4863 [Italian]
- Declaration on behalf of some clergy and laity formerly or actually belonging to the Episcopal (Anglican) Church for full communion with the Catholic Church, April 1st, 1981
DOCUMENTA 45 OR 1.4.1981; DocCath 78 (1981) 433 [Gall.]; EV 7, 1110-1113; LE 4836; Dokumenty, I, 45 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration concerning status of Catholics becoming freemasons
(Declaratio de canonica disciplina quae sub poena excommunicationis vetat ne catholici nomen dent sectae massonicae aliisque eiusdem generis associationibus), February 17, 1981 AAS 73 (1981) 240-241; DOCUMENTA 44 OR 2-3.3.1981, 2 [Ital.]; Communicationes 8 (1981) 42-43; DocCath 78 (1981) 349 [Gall.]; EV 7, 1036-1039; LE 4832; Dokumenty, I, 44 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish]
- Risposta al Presidente della Conferenza episcopale degli Stati Uniti di America circa la disciplina dell’uso del vino da parte di sacerdoti alcolizzati, December 15, 1980
CanLDigest vol. 9, 583-585; LE 4819
- Letter to Rev. Fr. Edward Schillebeeckx regarding his Christological positions, November 20, 1980
DOCUMENTA 43 OR 26-6-1981, 1-2; DocCath 78 (1981) 667-670; EV 7, 760-779; LE 4811; Dokumenty, I, 43 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Instruction on Infant Baptism – Pastoralis actio
(Instructio de baptismo parvulorum), October 20, 1980 AAS 72 (1980) 1137-1156; DOCUMENTA 42 OR 22.11.1980, 1-2; Notitiae 17 (1981) 7-22; Communicationes 8 (1981) 26-41; CEE 165-201 [Lat./Hisp.]; DocCath 77 (1980) 1107-1113 [Gall.]; EV 7, 568-603; LE 4801; Dokumenty, I, 42 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Procedural Norms regarding the dispensation of priests from celibacy
(Normae de dispensatione a sacerdotali coelibatu ad instantiam partis), October 14, 1980 AAS 72 (1980) 1136-1137; DOCUMENTA 41 EV 7, 562-567; LE 4800; Dokumenty, I, 41 [English, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Letter to all local Ordinaries and General Moderators of clerical religious communities regarding the dispensation of priests from celibacy
(Litterae circulares omnibus locorum Ordinariis et Moderatoribus generalibus religionum clericaliumde dispensatione a sacerdotali coelibatu), October 14, 1980 AAS 72 (1980) 1132-1135; DOCUMENTA 40 Communicationes 8 (1981) 21-26; DocCath 77 (1980) 1177-1178 [Gall.]; EV 7, 550-561; LE 4800; Dokumenty, I, 40 [English, French, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Response to the proposed doubts about the interpretation of the Decree “Ecclesiae Pastorum”
(Responsa ad proposita dubia de interpretatione decreti «De Ecclesiae Pastorum»), June 25, 1980 AAS 72 (1980) 756; DOCUMENTA 39 Communicationes 12 (1980) 234; DocCath 78 (1981) 433 [Gall.]; EV S1, 712-715; LE 4782; Dokumenty, I, 39 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration on Euthanasia – Iura et bona
(Declaratio de Euthanasia deque analgesicorum remediorum usu therapeutico recte ac proporzionate servando), May 5, 1980 AAS 72, 1 (1980) 542-552; DOCUMENTA 38 OR 27.6.1980, 1.4; CEE 145-163 [Lat./Hisp.]; EV 7, 332-351; LE 4772; Dokumenty, I, 38 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration regarding certain aspects of the theological doctrine of Professor Hans Küng – Christi Ecclesia
(Declaratio de quibusdam capitibus doctrinae theologiae professoris Ioannis Küng, qui, ab integra fidei catholicae veritate deficiens , munere docendi, qua theologus catholicus, privatus declaratur, December 15, 1979 AAS 72 (1980) 90-92; DOCUMENTA 37 OR 19.12.1979, 1-2 [Ital.]; DocCath 77 (1980) 71-72 [Gall.]; EV 6, 1296-1303; LE 4745; Dokumenty, I, 37 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration regarding the dialogues with Rev. Fr. Edward Schillebeeckx on certain aspects of his doctrinal Christology, December 13, 1979
DocCath 77 (1980) 16; LE 4744 [French]
- Observations about the book «“Human Sexuality”. A study commissioned by the Catholic Theological Society of America, Rev. Anthony Kosnik editor», July 13, 1979
DOCUMENTA 36 OR 7.12.1979, 1-2; DocCath 77 (1980) 217-219; EV 6, 1126-1137; LE 4722; Dokumenty, I, 36 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Risposta al Presidente della Conferenza episcopale degli Stati Uniti di America riguardante la natura e le qualità della materia per il pane eucaristico, June 4, 1979
CanLDigest vol. 9, 578-580; LE 4716
- Letter on certain questions regarding Eschatology – Recentiores episcoporum Synodi
(Epistola de quibusdam quaestionibus ad Eschatologiam spectantibus), May 17, 1979 AAS 71 (1979) 939-943; DOCUMENTA 35; DeS 5 (2000) OR 16/17.7.1979, 1-2; Notitiae 15 (1979) 566-570; CEE 133-143 [Lat./Hisp.]; DocCath 76 (1979) 708-710 [Gall.]; EV 6, 1033-1043; LE 4713; Dokumenty, I, 35 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration on the book by Fr. Jacques Pohier "When I Say God"
(Declaratio circa librum R.P. Iacobi Pohier: «Quand je dis Dieu»), April 3, 1979 AAS 71 (1979) 446-447; DOCUMENTA 34 OR 4.4.1979, 1-2 [Lat./Ital.]; LE 4698; Dokumenty, I, 34; DocCath 76 (1979) 366 [Gall.] [English, French, German, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Notification regarding the devotion to Divine Mercy in the form proposed by Sr. Faustina Kowalska, April 15, 1978
AAS 70 (1978) 350; DOCUMENTA 33 DocCath 75 (1978) 790; LE 4562; Dokumenty, I, 33 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
Norms regarding the manner of proceedings in the discernment of presumed apparitions or revelations
Normae de modo procedendi in diudicandis praesumptis apparitionibus ac revelationibus), 25 February 1978
- Preface (Card. William Levada, Prefect), 14 December 2011
[Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Decree regarding cases in which impotence renders marriage null
(Decretum circa impotentiam quae matrimonium dirimit), May 13, 1977 AAS 69 (1977) 426; DOCUMENTA 31 Communicationes 9 (1977) 222; DocCath 74 (1977) 809; LE 4515; Dokumenty, I, 31 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Polish, Spanish]
- Lettera al Presidente della Conferenza episcopale degli Stati Uniti di America circa le condizioni e le norme dell’assoluzione sacramentale «comunitaria», January 14, 1977
DocCath 74 (1977) 297;LE 4487; Origins 6 (1977) 595-596
- Declaration on the Question of Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood – Inter insigniores
(Declaratio circa quaestionem admissionis mulierum ad sacerdotium ministeriale), October 15, 1976 AAS 69 (1977) 98-116; DOCUMENTA 30 OR 28.1.1977, 1-3 [Lat./Ital.]; Notitiae 13 (1977) 51-66; Communicationes 9 (1977) 36-50; CEE 97-131 [Lat./Hisp.]; DocCath 74 (1977) 158-164; EV 5, 1392-1423; LE 4471; Dokumenty, I, 30 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Decree concerning certain unlawful priestly and episcopal ordinations
(Decretum circa quasdam illegitimas ordinationes presbyterales et episcopales), September 17, 1976 AAS 68 (1976) 623; DOCUMENTA 29 OR 20-21.9. 1976, 1; CivCat 127 (1976) 4, 375-378; DocCath 73 (1976) 857.859 [Gall.]; EV 5, 1388-1391; LE 4467; Dokumenty, I, 29 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Decree regarding public celebration of Mass in the Catholic Church for other Christians who have died – Accidit in diversis
(Decretum de Missa publice celebranda in Ecclesia Catholica pro aliis christianis defunctis), June 11, 1976 AAS 68 (1976) 621-622; DOCUMENTA 28 OR 17.9.1976, 1; Communicationes 8 (1976) 75-76; DocCath 73 (1976) 809 [Gall.]; EV 5, 1331-1335; Notitiae 12 (1976) 364-365; LE 4454; Dokumenty, I, 28 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration on certain questions concerning sexual ethics – Persona humana
(Declaratio de quibusdam quaestionibus ad sexualem ethicam spectantibus), December 29, 1975 AAS 68 (1976) 77-96; DOCUMENTA 27 OR 16.1.1976, 1-2 [Lat./Ital.]; CEE 62-95 [Lat./Hisp.]; Communicationes 8 (1976) 8-22; EV 5, 1126-1157; LE 4423; Dokumenty, I, 27 [Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Decree regarding the censorship of Pastors of the Church on books – Ecclesiae pastorum
(Decretumde Ecclesiae pastorum vigilantia circa libros), March 19, 1975 AAS 67 (1975) 281-284; DOCUMENTA 26 Notitiae 11 (1975) 99-100; DocCath 72 (1975) 361-362; EV 5, 741-749; LE 4368; Dokumenty, I, 26 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Responses to questions concerning sterilization in Catholic hospitals – Quaecumque sterilizatio
(Responsa ad quaesita conferentiae episcopalis Americae Septentrionalis circa sterilizationem in nosocomiis catholicis), March 13, 1975 AAS 68 (1976) 738-740; DOCUMENTA 25 Communicationes 9 (1977) 34-36; EV 5, 736-741; LE 4366; Dokumenty, I, 25 [English, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Lettera al Nunzio apostolico in Brasilia riguardante alcune interpretazioni delle norme circa l’iscrizione alle sette massoniche, February 26, 1975
LE 4360; Revista ecclesiastica Brasileira 35 (1975) 898
- Declaration regarding two works of Professor Hans Küng
(Declaratio de duobus operibus professoris Ioannis Küng in quibus continentur nonnullae opiniones quae doctrinae Ecclesiae Catholicae opponuntur), February 15, 1975 AAS 67 (1975) 203-204; DOCUMENTA 24 OR 21.2.1975, 1; DocCath 72 (1975) 258-259; EV 5, 662-667; LE 4356; Dokumenty, I, 24 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration on procured abortion – Quaestio de abortu
(Declaratio de abortu procurato), November 18, 1974 AAS 66 (1974) 730-747; DOCUMENTA 23; DeS 3 (1998) OR 25/26.12.1974, 1-2; CEE 203-235; DocCath 71 (1974) 1068-1073; EV 5, 418-443; LE 4332; Dokumenty, I, 23 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Notificazione ai Presidenti delle Conferenze episcopali riguardante l’appartenenza di cattolici ad associazioni massoniche, July 19, 1974
DocCath 71 (1974) 856 [Gall.]; EV 5, 350-351; Notiziario CEI (1974) 191; LE 4309; Origins 3 October 1974
- Notification regarding the alleged apparitions and revelations of "Our Lady of All Nations" in Amsterdam, May 25, 1974
DOCUMENTA 22 OR 14-15.6.1974, 2; DocCath 71 (1974) 618 [Gall.]; EV S1, 494-495; LE 4293; Dokumenty, I, 22 [English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration on the meaning to be given to the approval of the translations of the Sacramental Formulas – Instauratio liturgica
(Declaratio de sensu tribuendo adprobationi versionum formularum sacramentalium), January 25, 1974 AAS 66 (1974) 661; DOCUMENTA 21 OR 30.10.1974, 2 [Lat./Ital.]; DocCath 71 (1974) 1007; LE 4261; Dokumenty, I, 21 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Norms for the procedure for the dissolution of marriage in favor of the faith
(Normae procedurales pro conficiendo processu dissolutionis vinculi matrimonialis in favorem fidei), December 6, 1973 DOCUMENTA 20 EV 4, 1791-1799; LE 4244; Dokumenty, I, 20 [English, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Instruction on the dissolution of marriage in favor of the faith – Ut notum est
(Instructio pro solutione matrimonii in favorem fidei), December 6, 1973 DOCUMENTA 19 EV 4, 1786-1791; LE 4244; Dokumenty, I, 19 [English, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Notificazione riguardante la condizione scismatica dei fedeli della «Chiesa Cattolica Latina», già «Chiesa Antica Cattolica», October 4, 1973
DocCath 71 (1974) 467; LE 4228
- Decree on the ecclesiastical burial of manifest sinners
(Decretum de sepultura ecclesiastica), September 20, 1973 AAS 65 (1973) 500; DOCUMENTA 18 Communicationes 5 (1973) 145; DocCath 70 (1973) 1006; EV 4, 1698-1699; LE 4223; Dokumenty, I, 18 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration in Defense of the Catholic Doctrine on the Church Against Certain Errors of the Present Day – Mysterium Ecclesiae
(Declaratio circa catholicam doctrinam de Ecclesia contra nonnullos errores hodiernos tuendam), June 24, 1973 AAS 65 (1973) 396-408; DOCUMENTA 17; DeS 2 (1993) OR 6.7.1973, 1-2; CEE 32-59 [Lat./Hisp.]; Communicationes 5 (1973) 132-145; EV 4, 1660-1685; LE 4212; Dokumenty, I, 17 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Circular letter on the ecclesiastical burial of the faithful in irregular matrimonial situations
(Litterae circulares ad venerabiles Praesules Conferentiarum Episcopalium de sepultura ecclesiastica eorum fidelium, qui in conditione matrimoniali irregolari inveniuntur), May 29, 1973 DOCUMENTA 16 DocCath 70 (1973) 707; EV 4, 1620-1623; LE 4204; Dokumenty, I, 16 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Letter regarding the indissolubility of marriage
(Litterae circulares de indissolubilitate matrimonii et de admissione ad Sacramenta fidelium qui in unione irregolari vivunt), April 11, 1973 DOCUMENTA 15 DocCath 70 (1983) 707 [Gall.];EV 4, 1508-1511;LE 4187; Dokumenty, I, 15 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration concerning the safeguard of the Sacrament of Penance – Sacra congregatio
(Declaratio de tuenda Sacramenti Paenitentiae dignitate), March 23, 1973 AAS 65 (1973) 678; DOCUMENTA 14 OR 24.3.1974, 1 [Ital.]; DocCath 70 (1973) 365 [Gall.]; EV 4, 1502-1503; LE 4181; Dokumenty, I, 14 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portugiesisch, Spanish]
- Formula da usarsi per il giuramento di fedeltà
(Formula qua iusiurandum fidelitatis ab iis dandum erit qui episcopi dioecesani nominati sunt), 1972 EV S1, 450-453; REspDCan 32 (1976) 379 [Italian, Latin]
- Declaration concerning the interpretation of the Norms regarding petitions for reducing priests to the lay state
(Declaratio quoad interpretationem quarundam dispositionum, quae Normis, die XIII Ianuarii 1971 editis, statutae sunt), June 26, 1972 AAS 64 (1972) 641-643; DOCUMENTA 13 Communicationes 5 (1973) 21-23; DocCath 70 (1973) 16-17 [Gall.]; LE 4067; Dokumenty, I, 13 [English, French, Italian, Latin, Polish, Spanish]
- Pastoral Norms for the administration of general sacramental absolution – Sacramentum paenitentiae
(Normaepastorales circa absolutionem sacramentalem generali modo impertiendam), June 16, 1972 AAS 64 (1972) 510-514; DOCUMENTA 12 OR 14.7.1972, 1-2 [Lat./Ital.]; Notitiae 8 (1972) 312-317; Communicationes 4 (1972) 100-105; DocCath 69 (1972) 713-715 [Gall.]; EV 4, 1042-1053; LE 4060; Dokumenty, I, 12 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Risposta a un dubbio circa l’imposizione delle mani da parte di più vescovi nell’ordinazione sacerdotale, May 16, 1972
Notitiae 16 (1980) 272; LE 4641 [Latin]
- Declaration Cum de fragmentis On Particles of the Consecrated Hosts
(Declaratio de fragmentis eucharisticis), May 2, 1972 DOCUMENTA 11 Notitiae 8 (1972) 227; DocCath 69 (1972) 815-816 [Gall.]; EV 4, 1022-1023; Dokumenty, I,11 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Declaration for safeguarding the belief in the mysteries of the Incarnation and of the Most Holy Trinity against some recent errors – Mysterium Filii Dei
(Declaratio ad fidem tuendam in mysteria Incarnationis et Sanctissimae Trinitatis a quibusdam recentibus erroribus), February 21, 1972 AAS 64 (1972) 237-241; DOCUMENTA 10; DeS 1 (1989) OR 10.3.1972, 1-2; CEE 19-29 [Lat./Hisp.]; Communicationes 4 (1972) 9-13; EV 4, 979-989; LE 4035; Dokumenty, I, 10; DocCath 69 (1972) 308-310 [Gall.] [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- The Norms for doctrinal investigation – Ratio Agendi
(Nova agendi ratio in doctrinarum examine), January 15, 1971 AAS 63 (1971) 234-236; DOCUMENTA 9 OR 5.2.1971 [Lat./Ital.]; Communicationes 3 (1971) 37-39; DocCath 68 (1971) 157-158 [Gall.]; EV 4, 81-87 [Lat./Ital.]; LE 3948; Dokumenty, I, 9 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Norms for preparing petitions in diocesan or clerical religious Curias for reducing priests to the lay state with a dispensation from all the obligations arising from Sacred Orders
(Normae ad apparandas in Curiis dioecesanis et religiosis causas reductionis ad statum laicalem cum dispensatione ab obligationibus cum sacra Ordinatione conexis), January 13, 1971 AAS 63 (1971) 303-308; DOCUMENTA 8 Communicationes 3 (1971) 138-144; DocCath 68 (1971) 764-768; EV 4, 62-81; LE 3947; Dokumenty, I, 8 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Letter to Bishops and General Superiors regarding the reduction to the lay state
(Litterae circulares omnibus locorum Ordinariis et Moderatoribus generalibus religionum clericalium de reductione ad statum laicalem), January 13, 1971 AAS 63 (1971) 309-312; DOCUMENTA 7 Communicationes 3 (1971) 144-147; EV 4, 54-62; LE 3946; Dokumenty, I, 7 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Risposta al Vescovo di Dapaong riguardante l’amministrazione del battesimo ai figli di genitori non cattolici, July 13, 1970
Notitiae 7 (1971) 69-70;DocCath 68 (1971) 158; LE 3884
- Notification regarding the "Abbé de Nantes", August 10, 1969
DocCath 66 (1969) 794-796; LE 3776 [French]
- Risposta riguardante l’obbligo di premettere la confessione sacramentale prima della sacra comunione quando c’è la coscienza del peccato grave, July 11, 1968
DocCath 66 (1969) 349; LE 3674 [Italian]
- Formula to adopt from now on in cases in which the Profession of Faith is prescribed by law in substitution of the Tridentine formula and the oath against modernism
(Formula deinceps adhibenda in casibus in quibus iure praescribitur Professio Fidei loco formulae Tridentinae et iuramenti antimodernistici), July 17, 1967 AAS 59 (1967) 1058; DOCUMENTA6 DocCath 64 (1967) 1486-1487 [Versio Gall.]; LE 3617; Dokumenty, I, 6 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Spanish]
- Instruction on the necessity to establish doctrinal Commissions in Episcopal Conferences – Litteris apostolicis
(Instructio ad orbis cattolici Episcopos de Commissionibus doctrinalibus instituendis), February 23, 1967 Nuntius 1 (1967) 15-16; DOCUMENTA 5 DocCath 64 (1967) 1191 [Gall.]; EV 2, 824-827[Lat./Ital.];LE 3535; Dokumenty, I, 5 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Decree regarding canons 1399 and 2318 no longer in force
(Decretum de interpretatione «Notificatio» die 14 iunii 1966 circa «Indicem» librorum prohibitorum), November 15, 1966 AAS 58 (1966) 1186; Nuntius 1 (1967) 12; DOCUMENTA 4 LE 3491; Dokumenty, I, 4 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Circular Letter to the Presidents of Episcopal Conferences regarding some sentences and errors arising from the interpretation of the decrees of the Second Vatican Council – Cum oecumenicum concilium
(Epistula ad Venerabiles Praesules Conferentiarum Episcopalium et ad Superiores Religionum: De nonnullis sententiis et erroribus ex falsa interpretatione decretorum Concilii Vaticani II insurgentibus), July 24, 1966 AAS 58 (1966) 659-661; Nuntius 1 (1967) 17-19; DOCUMENTA 3 EV 2, 690-695 [Lat./Ital.]; LE 3456; Dokumenty, I, 3 ; DocCath 63 (1966) 1843-1846 [Gall.] [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Notification regarding the abolition of the Index of books
(Notificatio de Indicis librorum prohibitorum conditione), June 14, 1966 AAS 58 (1966) 445; Nuntius 1 (1967) 10-11; DOCUMENTA 2 OR 15.06.1966; DocCath 63 (1966) 1175-1176 [Gall.]; EV 2, 674-677; LE 3448; Dokumenty, I, 2 [English, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Instruction on mixed marriages – Matrimonii sacramentum
(Instructio de matrimonii mixtis), March 18, 1966 AAS 58 (1966) 235-239; DOCUMENTA 1 OR 19.3.1966, 1-2 [Lat./It.]; DocCath 63 (1966) 577-584 [Gall.]; LE 3422; Dokumenty, I, 1 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]